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Ranboo is an iron golem/enderman hybrid.Unfortunately, iron is a good conductor.


"Tubbo -- I don't think this is really a good idea."

Ranboo sits uncomfortably with his head pressed against an iron block above him, arms strapped down to the sides of the wooden chair below him. He feels vulnerable, being basically unable to move and stripped of his crown and helmet. The entire situation feels wrong in so many ways, some of which Ranboo doesn't even understand himself. He knows Tubbo means absolutely nothing but the best, and he's grateful for his help, but he doesn't think the "certified witch doctor" has as much experience in these sorts of things as he implies.

"Don't be silly, Ranboo!" Tubbo calls down from the top of the wooden structure, making Ranboo jump slightly. "It's a perfectly fine idea, I read up on it all night, it's basically guaranteed to work! No issues there!"

Ranboo blinks (internally, of course) and sighs, muttering a quiet, "Oh, boy."

"So!" Tubbo continues. "Just going over it again! I'm gonna strike the irony block with lightning aaand...well, we'll see where it goes from there! The shock should go to your brain and screw in those loose nuts you've got! Or at least, jolt them back into place!"

Tubbo's speech dissolves into mutters that Ranboo can't hear from his position. He feels the anxiety swelling up in his chest and thinks about just how much of a horrible idea this really is. He knows he should just...tell Tubbo that he doesn't want to go through with this, but Tubbo already seems upset with him and he doesn't want to make it worse. And besides, how bad could it be? Just a little shock that probably won't even hurt him that bad anyways, right? It's passing through the iron block and then his hair, and he's not sure if endermen are as good conductors as humans are, given the general lack of water.

He hasn't the slightest as to how it will affect his left side, but he supposes that he can just pray that it's nothing too problematic.

"Alright!" Tubbo yells, and Ranboo flinches, clenching his fists in the seat in grim anticipation. "I'm gonna count you down, alright?! Brace yourself, memory boy!"

"G-got it!"

"Alright!! Three!!"

(Tubbo pulls his arm back, and Ranboo shrinks in his seat, almost trying to fold into himself.)


(Tubbo bites his lip in concentration, trying to aim perfectly at the iron block. Dark clouds gather in the sky and a few drops of rain emit from them, falling into the tower and making Ranboo's breathing pick up. He flinches at every drop that lands around him, and suddenly realizes quite morbidly that this isn't going to end well under any circumstances.)


(Ranboo struggles against his restraints and tries to get out of the seat because this is going to hurt, this is going to hurt so bad. )

Tubbo lets go of the trident in his hand, launching it towards the iron block with an almost crazed grin. The weapon embeds itself into the block, and a bolt of lightning leaps from the sky, connecting with the trident and sending it's current through the block and directly into Ranboo.

And the boy has never felt anything hurt more before.

Just like how he feels like his right side is burning if he goes into the water without armor, his left side lights aflame, and he lets out a guttural scream, straining against his leather restraints as burning tears immediately spring to his eyes. The lightning strike is probably well and gone by now (it isn't, the trident is still there, Ranboo never heard it leave the block, why is the trident still there? ) but he feels the electricity bounce around inside of him on the right, and the difference of intensity between his left and right sides is enough to make him dizzy.

The screams make his throat burn, and eventually -- after almost a minute -- he starts to lose his voice, and only then does he hear the trident return to the hand of its master. The pain still remains, it's all that's left, but it starts to fizzle out -- the current in his body starts to dissipate, and his breathing starts coming in huge heaves to compensate for the sobs leaving his mouth, the tears rolling down his cheeks and dropping off his face burning his right and stinging the sensitive skin on his left. Once the current "leaves" his body (but it's still there, the little jolts are enough evidence of that), he's left with burning underneath the skin of his left that feels like someone's pressing him against an iron, and the normal pain on his right doesn't even begin to compare. He takes in a shuddering breath, trying to make his vision unblurred as he glances down at his arms. They're not as visible on his right, but on his left, there are clear lines going up his forearm -- somewhere in the back of his mind, where there's no pain, he remembers them as Lichtenberg scars.

He hears a voice come from somewhere, and he ignores it, his body jerking violently due to the shocks remaining. All the tension in his body releases, and he slouches in his seat, making no movements besides his shoulders shaking due to his cries. He looks up slightly to see a figure run into the room, mumbling something incoherent as they unbuckle the hybrid's hands and legs from the seat, helping him up and out of the electric chair. He almost falls over, but the person steadies him, letting Ranboo lean on them.

"Oh my God, Ranboo I'm -- I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened, the trident wouldn't come back and I saw you and -- are you okay? Do you feel alright? What do you remember?"

Ranboo's brows furrow as he steadies himself, leaning against a wooden wall of the tower. He wipes his eyes and jerks yet again, almost losing his balance because of the sudden movement. "Thanks for letting me out of that," he mumbles, his breath still stuttering. "I don't -- I don't know how I got in there, do you know what happened?"

He looks at the young boy, who stares back at him with an incredibly confused and intrigued expression. "Well -- what do you mean by that?"

"Oh, 'm sorry," he whispers, straightening and rubbing at his eyes yet again before holding out his hand slightly, ignoring the weak, burning feeling still bouncing around inside of him. "My name is Ranboo."

"Who are you?"

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