Kingdom of joy

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Chances to venture outside of the palace were few and far between for the young prince of the Gwangjuon Kingdom who was only 5 years old. Naturally his parents were worried that something might happen to him, even in a kingdom as peaceful as the daeguin Kingdom. Not to mention all of his numerous prince lessons kept the young boy known as Jung Hoseok quite busy.

But today was different!

Not only was Hoseok not in the palace, but he was completely outside of the Gwangjuon Kingdom. His parents had made a diplomatic trip to a town called jalsan, and had decided to bring their son along with them. he was quite excited about this, since they had promised to take him to the zoo once their work was done, and he had never been to such a place before!

But, right now, his mother and father were busy, leaving the young prince to be minded by the maids that had been brought along. At first the simple change of scenery was enough for him. His parents had told him this building was their embassy, of a sorts, but now Hoseok was beginning to get more than a little bored.

And when he got bored- he tended to wander. It wasn't uncommon for the young prince to sneak away from his lessons at the palace, using secret passages that only he knew about. It was a grand adventure for him, even if it usually resulted in him getting lost- the palace was rather big, after all, and he was indeed, still a very small boy.

He probably should have remembered his habit of getting lost, but as it was, the second he had a chance, the young prince slipped away from the jalsan's embassy, and hurried on his way. It was only later that he realized that he had no idea where he was going, or where anything was in this town called jalsan- and although he attempted to keep his spirits up at first, feeling that he could just retrace his steps, that got all messed up too.

It was all that dog's fault! If it hadn't startled him by barking so loudly, he wouldn't have run away from it like that! His face was hidden under the mask so his face was getting sweaty but he didn't remove his veil like mask.

But whatever the case, now Hoseok was well and truly lost, knowing that even if he tried to retrace his steps now, he had completely lost them in his blind panic. Not knowing what else to do, his eyes already welling with tears, the young prince crouched down on the alleyway, burying his head in his knees, and started to cry.

What would happen if he couldn't find his way back home? Would his parents and the maids even know where to begin looking for him? How far away from the embassy had he even gotten?

What if... what if he could never find his way home again?

"Are you okay?"

The voice made him flinch at first, before Hoseok slowly glanced up towards the person who had spoken to him. Or rather, the people, he quickly realized, and he all but yelped when he found two sets of eyes looking at him, for a moment too startled to notice the concern in them.

Still, after a moment, the young prince slowly nodded his head, and he wiped a tear from his eye. They were all just kids like him- they couldn't be bad people, or anything like that. "I-I'm lost."

"Ehhh, lost, huh?" The first boy frowned a little, glancing over towards the only boy in the group. both of them were in the commoners dress maybe the sons of a farmer Hoseok thought. But why were their face hidden?

"Yoongi, what should we do? We found a lost child."

"Let's Walk him to Seokjin, obviously. He would know what to do." The boy, apparently named Yoongi, responded, giving a rather matter of fact nod, before turning back to Hoseok, giving him a reassuring grin under his mask "Don't worry, we'll help you find your parents."

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