Kingdom of Magic

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"An unknown creature has came to our village every night and destroy the farm lands. We request to crown prince to end him with your excellence." The farmer requested in the court. Everyone around him complained that it's not duty of crown prince to fight with monsters, but the army sent by the king all of them died and none could beat the evil creature.

While everyone was arguing, Yoongi get up from his seat. He bowed to his father, "Your majesty I'd like to go there by myself. As a future king It's my duty to save my nation and it's people."

The news was spread out in whole nation. At night when the king and Yoongi were in room having a private conversation. Agust knocked on the door, he bowed deep down to the king, "Father, I'd also like to go there with Yoongi." He said. Yoongi wanted to scold him for putting his life in danger. However the king laughed at his son. "Sure go ahead, and come back as a crisp potato." His father mocked him for his disability. Yoongi dig his nails in his palm, angry at his father. Meanwhile Agust was unfazed. He thanked the king and left the room.

"Father, I'll take my leave. And please from now on refrain from making such jokes about your own son." Yoongi bowed 90 degrees down to the king. Even though he said it in calm voice but the warning behind his words was clear.

Before the king could say anything, Yoongi left the room. There were two things he hated the most. One was to see someone make fun Agust. And second was when he see Hoseok sad.

Yoongi has always been a giver, but the warrior prince doesn't compromise when it comes to his brother and his beloved hobah.


As the prince's said goodbye to everyone and went on their journey with 10 fighter by their side. The creature they heard about was stronger than anyone they have ever encountered. "You shouldn't have came. You put your life in danger." Yoongi said to Agust. "So you also think of me as a weakling?!" He joked about it to his brother. Yoongi frowned at that. "I came here to fight with you against the creature and you know because of your decision sunshine was really worried about you." A confession drawn out of the albino prince.

"See that's the thing why I wanted you to stay at palace. Now hobah will be more worried because you also came with me." Yoongi said frowning further. "Calm down you idiot. I promised him that I'll get him his favorite flower. You know how much he wanted to see it."

"You mean that village have that rarest twin flower?!" Yoongi asked with widen eyes and Agust nodded at him smiling his way.

"Nobody knows that it exists. I read it's location in a book. Take me to the jungle side after we ended the creature okay?" Agust said hiding his face and hands from sun.

"Only if you call me hyung." As always Yoongi teased him.

"Not until one of us died." Agust rolled his eyes.


Upon reaching the area the crown prince was informed that a sacrific will take place. A young boy or girl will be presented as bride to the creature.

Yoongi was outrage. He object against it, but none of those older people listen. Leaving no place to argue Agust took Yoongi away from everyone.

On the night before the wedding, the royal twins sneaks into the sacrifice’s room. It is in a separated hut in the nearest town to the seolun Valley, where the bride will be delivered. They made sure no one follows them.

The next bride to be is a young man. Slightly effeminate, but still a male with sharp angles and masculine frame. It makes Agust wonder if the demon has a specific taste. But he shoves those thoughts aside when Yoongi talks to the bride.

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