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True to your word, you had reached land just as the sun was setting. Foreign powers force open several ports along the Asi coast for international trade. Shung flourishes and becomes a commercial magnet for artists and craftsmen from all over the country. In the urban centers especially, a growing demand for household and personal items fosters diverse styles in wood carving, textiles, painting, and ceramics.

Of course it didn't take away from the culture that had been long since established. You could tell that nothing had changed since you were last here. It was still as crowded and packed as ever.

Farrah: How are we going to get past all these people?

Your crew watched as everyone hustled by to carry on with their last duties of the day. You had paid the docking fee and joined them, your sword hanging from your hip. You all had your weapons with you, but you all hoped you didn't have to use them.

Darling: I'll need to make the transaction at the Trade Hall. They'll be able to load the ship in the morning.

Cerise: In that case, why don't we split up? One group can go look for a place to eat and the others can go with Darling. Safety in numbers and all that.

You nodded in agreement.

Y/N: Volunteers?

Hunter: I'll go with Darling.

Farrah: As will I.

You and Cerise looked at each.

Y/N: Guess you're with me.

Cerise: Yup. Let's get a move on.

You nodded. You both started off, but you stopped and looked back to Hunter.

Y/N: Don't forget to call Ashlynn.

Hunter nodded. He would give her a call as soon as everything was taken care of. But, for now, you both had your own jobs to do.

Of course, it wasn't without it's troubles. This one being the figure who was watching you from afar.

You and Cerise walked through the busy streets of one of the major ports of the world. It also happened to be the capital of this kingdom of the Asi empire. If you remembered correctly, Asi separated from Ever After when the new queen took her place on the throne. Rumor was that she was a student at Ever After High herself, but she didn't agree with the whole "your destiny is set in stone" thing.

Still, it didn't seem like they were suffering from being their own country.

Cerise: I kinda wish I took my dad up on his language lessons.

You looked at her confused before you realized that no one here spoke your language. It was the native language of Asi. You knew a bit, but it was a bit rusty.

Still, it was good enough to get directions if you needed them. You and Cerise continued through the crowd, unaware that you were being followed. A figure among the crowd that kept a steady pace so that you cannot detect them.

And it wasn't until you were in an alleyway that they made their move.

You and Cerise turned into an alley which would take you to a restaurant that everyone had recommended, plus had great reviews on the MirrorNet. A few people were around, but they were busy with their own thing to bother you.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now