The Sharpest Lives

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You leaned against the wall of the cove with your crew. The five of you stared at the hidden club of Ever After High that was lead by your parents. Seeing them gathered here with the knowledge of who you were was bizarre. Yet, you also felt like you had a huge weight off of your shoulders.

After Oz and Wicked revealed that they knew you were their son from the future, they lead you back to the Cove where you found the others.

Hunter: So, uh, who's gonna start?

The Class of Classics looked among each other before Oz shrugged. He stepped forward with his arms crossed.

Oz: Guess I should. You all deserve an explanation.

Y/N: It would be appreciated.

Oz nodded. He then cleared his throat.

Oz: It started back when...well, when I got here.

Ever After High:
A Spellctacular Summer

Oz opened his eyes to an unfamiliar sky of stars. He blinked once, twice, thrice, before he tilted his head. He had seen the night sky a million times before. But, this was different. Something was off. The stars were all wrong.

He tried to remember what happened before he woke up. He recalled getting into his uncle's hot air balloon and a strange storm suddenly flying it off course. Oz rubbed his head for a moment before he realized he was in a forest. One he definitely didn't know.

He forced himself to sit up despite the pain in his body and looked around.

Oz: I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore.

He got to his feet and looked at his clothes to see a few holes and stains. He then looked around the area he was in. He started to walk down the trail that he was on in hopes of finding something along the way.

And he did.

He came to a stop when he noticed a faint glow between the trees. He tilted his head before he started towards it.

Oz: Hello? Anyone there?

He pushed a branch out of the way and found himself in a clearing. He stepped forward and found himself staring at an odd sight.

A lampost was sitting there, illuminated by the moonlight. The glow was gone, probably having had ran out of oil, and the metal was rusty. Oz walked over to it and placed a hand against the ruined metal.

Oz: What's your story?

Aslan: It is a long one.

Oz fell backwards over his feet at the sudden voice. He quickly noticed the lion standing there, looking at the lamppost. The boy was surpised that he didn't feel fear. He felt....comfort in the presence of the beast.

Aslan looked to Oz and smiled kindly.

Aslan: You must be confused.
Oz walked alongside the lion as he lead the boy through the woods. Oz didn't know why he was simply going along with such a creature, but he felt like it was just something he needed to do. An urge to do something despite not knowing what it will lead to.

Aslan: You are far from home now, child. But you are safe.

Oz looked at the lion before he looked back to the trees. He didn't recognize them. They weren't in any of the books he read.

Oz: Where am I?

Aslan: This place is known by many names. Currently, it is known as Ever After. Home of the Fairy Tales.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now