Winter Kingdom

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You stared in awe with wide eyes at the land before you. The snow was no more and simply served to created the ground. Hills of it were gathered in some places but it wasn't really even cold up here. You were now above the clouds and everyone seemed so small. You also heard music in the distance.

Hunter: Man, this is just like what Ashlynn said it would look like.

Y/N: Ashlynn? She's been here before?

Hunter nodded.

Hunter: Her and Brair knew Crystal as kids. I guess they used to visit her a lot.

Then that would mean that there was probably a Wishing Well here somewhere. You could use it to head back to EAH if you needed the break.

Cerise: That's nice and all, but how are we going to get to the castle. It's so far away and I don't think we can make it through the snow.

Blondie: Yeah. I'm beat.

They had a point. You had just walked up a massive tree and walking through snow this deep was no easy task. Your magic wasn't really good enough to help out either. With this in mind, you began to look around before you spotted the remains of what looked to be a merchant sled. Probably left behind when the owner realized it would be easier to not bother with it.

Y/N: I have an idea.


Darling: Whoo!

Darling ramped off of a hill and landed on her makeshift skis while Cerise followed behind with her own snowboard. Hunter chose skis as did Blondie, but you picked the snowboard. Riding through the snow was easier and a lot more fun than walking.

You curved around a small pile only to launch yourself off of another. You did a quick 360 and landed. You had done this before during your days of pirating, so you basically just had to dust yourself off. Cerise picked up on it fairly quick as did Blondie. Darling was a regular skier thanks to her family trips to the north and Hunter's father had taught him should he have to hunt in the winter.

Your equipment was strapped firmly on your backs and it is highly advised that you ride with a helmet.

Hunter: I have to say, dude, this is probably your best idea.

Y/N: This beats out my other ones?

Cerise: By a long shot!

You laughed as you ramped off of another pile, landing and grinding on the edge of another abandoned sled.

As fun as this was, and you would love to do another run, you did eventually reach the front gates to the massive snow castle where the royal family resided. Once there, you all began to untie your feet and piled the wood off to the side to keep it out of the way.

After making yourselves somewhat more presentable, you approached the gates and looked around for a guard. No one was around.

Y/N: That's weird.

Darling approached the gate and knocked on it. The bang echoed as she took a step back, only to be hit by a snowball. She looked around confused before she got hit by another. Suddenly, a wave of snowballs began to fly towards all of you. You pulled out your shield which everyone immediately hid behind.

Hunter: Hey, what gives?! We just knocked!

???: The King and Queen are busy. Go somewhere else.

You poked your head out and spotted your attacker. You snapped narrowed your eyes before a green flame suddenly sparked, scaring your attacker. Hunter used this chance to stand up and throw a snowball of his own which knocked the attacker off the wall and into the pile of snow below.

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