The Green

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Oswalt covered his mouth to hide a yawn under the cover of thinking. Kitty knew better, but no one else was even watching him. The group were traveling by ferry down the river to the Cinder Castle, courtesy of Apple. Their little group was quite an odd one. Three Wonderlandians, two Ever Afterians, and an Ozzian. But it went further than that.

Oswalt was the reason Alistair and Bunny even ended up in Ever After the first time. He was also the reason Apple and Raven had to deal with the Evil Queen. Oh, and he kinda did cast a curse on Kitty. His streak wasn't the best.

And yet, here they were. Helping him. Even if he kept to himself, he could tell that they were close. They weren't exactly best friends, but they got along. It didn't make sense.

Oswalt just let out a side and closed his eyes. While the others were conversing, he sat against the rail with his cloak covering his body. He looked more like a sack of potatoes than a person. He might've been mistaken for one if not for his hat or the fact that his cloak was green.

Kitty: You can go talk to them, you know.

Oswalt looked up to see Kitty laying on the rail of the ferry. Her tail was brushing against his shoulder.

Kitty: You don't have to brood.

Oswalt grunted and closed his eyes again.

Oswalt: I'm not brooding.

Kitty: Mmm yes you are.

Oswalt: No, I'm not.

Oswalt flinched when his hat was suddenly no longer on his head. He looked over to see Kitty now wearing it with a smirk. She then sat up and mirrored his position and made a face that was obviously mocking him.

Kitty: Look at me. So dark and brooding. Vengeance!

She was even doing a deeper voice to really bring home the point. She went back to smirking and looked to Oswalt.

Kitty: That's you.

Oswalt narrowed his eyes, but Kitty was very scared of him. Raven happened to look over to see them talking and began to wonder what Oswalt was really like. She didn't really get to know him outside of the whole "revenge against the Royal Families" thing. She understood why he was the way he was, but she also didn't understand why he was still the way he was.

Oswalt let out a sigh before looking over to the forest that served as a kind of wall around the river. Pine trees. Kitty followed his gaze and found herself also looking at the trees.

Oswalt: My dad used to tell me about those trees.

Kitty: About trees?

Oswalt: Well, kind of. It involved pine trees in a way. Or, maybe not.

Kitty raised a brow while Raven found herself also interested.

Kitty: What do you mean?

Oswalt: He never really told me what exactly it was he was talking about. He just told me about the Pines.

He remembered the story well. By heart. It was something that kept him going when he felt like he couldn't anymore.

Oswalt: How much longer until we arrive?

Raven: Not much longer.

The two looked up to find Raven walking over to them. She sat down beside Oswalt, causing him to tense up. What was she doing? Who told her she could sit here?

Raven: Ashlynn said that we can stay the night there. From there, it's only a day trip through the woods to get to Cedar's.

Cedar. That was the wooden girl that helped you when the Jabberwocky arrived. An artist, probably due to her own father's skill in craftsmanship.

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