Birthday Ball

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Vacation started off like any normal Chapter Break would. Badwolf and Red really took you in and treated you like their son. You would wake up early enough to help Badwolf do some work on the house. Nothing too crazy, just checking ghe foundation or finding places to patch up the roof.

The day would usually consist of you either joining the sisters on a jog, which you would always end up falling behind, or working out with Badwolf or Red. You even went fishing with Badwolf once. It was....interesting to say the least.

Badwolf: So, you were destined to be the next Wicked Witch, not the Wizard of Oz. That hexplains why Milton was so eager to push the idea of having you join my class.

You shrugged. This was actually news to you as well. You didn't learn it until Ozma revealed it to you. You always believed that you were the oldest sibling, but you were not. Not that it mattered anymore. Destiny wasn't something you really had to follow anymore.

Badwolf: So, what do you plan to do now?

You looked at him. It was actually quite weird seeing him so relaxed. He wasn't in teacher mode. He was dressed down to a pair of pants and an old white t-shirt. He wasn't even wearing any shoes.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Badwolf: Well, your brother is still missing and you were given a quest to help stop a greater evil. And your destiny now is to become like your mother.

You thought about it and realized he was right. What were you going to do next? What could you do?

Your mind began to drift back to the Dawn Treader before you quickly shook the idea out of your head. This was your break. You didn't want to waste it on a quest after having done so many with little to no rest.

Besides, you were enjoying this.

Why not relax a little?

You yawned as you walked down the stairs to the main floor. You had just woken up confused as to why your alarm didn't go off like it usually did. You didn't recall turning it off last night.

You had no idea what had happened, but you felt like you were going to have to apologize to Badwolf and Ramona for not waking up on time. You had promised the latter that you would join her for a morning jog. You were trying to get faster.

However, when you reached the bottom of the stairs, you realized why your alarm didn't go off.


Party poppers went off and cheers were yelled. You, having just woken up long enough to get dressed, screamed and backed into a wall which did nothing to slow down the spellebration.

After you were able to calm down enough to gather the situation, you realized that the house was now filled with people.

Not only was the Badwolf family there, but so was Hunter, the Charming children, Ashlynn, Brair, Ruby, Raven, Apple, Maddie, and Lizzie. Of course Ozma was there as well.

Maddie: You're 16!

Maddie lifted you into the air, immediately giving you ptsd from the last time she did so about two weeks before. Thankfully, this time, she didn't nearly squeeze the life out of you.

She set you down and everyone else began to apporch you, wishing you a happy birthday.

In truth, you didn't even realize that it was your birthday. With everything that happened, you failed to realize that it was now May. Though, now that you had thought about it, that did explain why Lizzie said she would see you in two weeks.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt