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You leaned against the wall and waited for your friends. The Class of Classics seemed so familiar yet so different. They acted like they were teens, but having met the people they would eventually become, you found yourself confused by what events had occurred between then and now.

Snow: I'm telling you, Wick, come with me and the girls to the saloon and I can get you hooked up with a pedicure. It will literally change your life.

Wicked rubbed her arm nervously.

Wicked: I dunno. I'm not really into that kind of stuff.

Snow: What? Self care?

Wicked shrugged with an awkward smile. Snow just looked at her, then laughed. She leaned over and nudged her before going back to eat her food. They seemed like such good friends. How come Snow didn't mention that when she was telling you about your father?

More over, how did you not know that your dad was the founder of the chess club that Alistair would eventually take over? Or that he was....super popular.

Charming: Oz, my man, you coming to the Dropkick Murphilly concert tonight?

Oz: Not tonight, no. I got a date with Snow.

Beast: Must be hard being in demand.

Badwolf: Must be hard not being to change forms.

Beast growled at Badwolf, who simply growled back.

Badwolf was so juvenile that you found it hard believe that he would become the Mr. Badwolf you knew.

Cerise: How have my parents not met yet? They're literally a table away.

You and Cerise looked to the table next to your father's to see Red sitting with Chesire and the Pied Piper. She was reading what looked to be a history of stage theater textbook. Her and Badwolf were literally four, maybe five feet from each other.

Cerise: Is this why I am the way I am?

You placed a supportive hand on her shoulder. She sighed and crossed her arms, looking up to you.

Cerise: Anyway, how are you holding up?

You looked at her confused.

Cerise: Seeing your parents. It must be....

She made some motions with her hands. She couldn't find the words she was looking for. Still, you knew what she was trying to say.

Y/N: It's like an out of body hexperience. I, uh, never got to meet my mum.

Cerise watched you wipe your nose with your thumb before you pushed off the wall. You scanned the room before you spotted Hunter and Farrah entering the room with Darling who was still being proposed to.

Darling: I almost forgot the downsides of going here. I said no!

Darling stomped off finally made it over to the rest of you. She crossed her arms and pouted as you all looked. She then huffed.

Darling: I don't even think I like boys.

You and your friends sat at a free table and eat, trying to discuss your plans on how to get back to your time. You knew you needed Milton, but he was goingbto be gone for at least a week. And Giles was out of the question since none of you spoke good enough riddlish to figure out what he would say.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now