Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

2 months later

Stiles slowly opened his eyes. Trying to adjust to the blinding light. With his right hand he felt around the bed, numbly he felt the remote that had the call button on it.

He pressed down on the biggest button there, and a minute later a man with Platinum blonde hair entered. Stiles felt a bad shiver go down his spine. But this man was not her, his eyes weren't red, and he wasn't here to hurt him.

"Stiles, I'm so glad you're awake. You've been the talk of the town for the last 2 months."

Stiles stared at him in confusion. "Huh?"

"Chief Swan's nephew comes here in critical condition, only to go into a coma for two months. You shouldn't be surprised. Small town equals big news."

The man said, checking the machines that were hooked to Stiles, pulling some stuff out that was keeping him alive when he was out.

"Wait, did you say-"

"Two months, yes, we weren't sure you were going to make it. Though I can see that you're healing nicely. We're going to keep you overnight, make sure everything is functioning properly, then you'll be released to Chief Swan. Oh, my condolences about your father and friends. Do you by chance know what attacked you and your friends?" He said, and Stiles couldn't help but detect the tone of voice that meant he wasn't just here to check his vitals.

Stiles thought back to the creatures that attacked him. Pale skin, flawless marble, red eyes- he quit that train of thought, and couldn't help but notice the man had some of the same features, besides the red eyes. This man's eyes were a dull yellow, almost like it wanted to be brown but didn't make it all the way.

But the only way he could somewhat accurately describe the beings that attacked them was beautiful. If he hadn't been so terrified he might've stopped to stare. This man had the same effect. Before he could think about it words came out of his mouth.

"They looked like you..." He mumbled, before promptly shutting his mouth, the Doctor stiffened, almost like he stopped breathing for a second. "I didn't mean that, it just came out-" This time he actually put his hand over his mouth, worried that he wouldn't shut up if he kept going.

The man unfroze, looking at Stiles with curiosity. "An interesting speculation. Though I don't know how you came to it." He said, his smile once again on his face. "Now you're going to be very tired, and will probably have a hard time walking for a while, as well as other bodily functions."

I nodded at that. Removing my hand I laid back sheepishly. "Do you know when I can see my uncle and cousin?"

"Actually your cousin is outside, along with my son. They're waiting for me to give the okay for them to come in, Chief Swan said he'd be here as soon as possible." He paused for a minute, checking something on his clipboard. "Well everything looks alright, all signs of aconite poisoning are gone, and your bandages were changed yesterday. One last thing." He took out a light and shined it in Stiles' eyes, holding his finger up as well. "Ok Stiles, follow my finger."

Stiles did so, and he thought he did ok because the doctor nodded.

"I checked your shoulder last night, if it bothers you at all just let me know."

Stiles nodded silently as the man gave him a gentle smile, he exited the room closing the door behind him. Stiles heard some talking from behind the door and saw the shapes of three people behind one of the closed windows.

Stiles debated whether or not he should look for a way out. It wasn't a coincidence that this man looked like the others, that was one thing Stiles could never believe anymore. Coincidences didn't happen in the supernatural world. This man was the same thing as the creatures that attacked him, maybe a bit different but he didn't trust it as he debated which was out would be the quickest.

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