Part 1 - Prologue

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Tears streamed down his cheeks as he tried to wipe his eyes in an attempt to see through the thunder storm caused rain. It didn't help that the lines were faded, making it even harder to stay in the lines on the road.

His leg was bleeding badly, and he had a gunshot wound in his shoulder. Not only had he just lost everything but he was bleeding out, and he couldn't get to Forks fast enough.

He used his knee to steer, grabbing his blood stained phone, and dialing a number he hadn't called for a few years. 30 seconds later he heard his uncle's voice through the phone.

"Stiles? Why are you calling me at 1 in the morning?"

His throat was dry, and it was thundering outside. He felt that he was near passing out. "Uncle Charlie-?"

That was all he could get out before he went into a coughing fit. Something had gotten into his lungs that really shouldn't have been there. He coughed out purple dust. He then got a flashback of wolfs-bane coming through the vents, meant to disable the werewolves, but it was a poison for humans as well, especially large amounts of it.

"Stiles, where are you!?"

"I'm- I'm on the road, I got shot... I'm trying to get to you..." He said before once again going into a coughing fit, using all his effort to keep his eyes on the road.

"Stiles! Who shot you! Where's your Dad!?"

Stiles' voice broke as more tears came from his eyes. "He's dead..."

There was a pause on the other side of the phone. Only for a minute. "Stiles you have to pull over, I'll come get you but you have to pull over first. You're going to get into a wreck if you don't pull off now."

"No, I- I have to keep going-" Stiles said, without really thinking about it, just feeling like he had to keep going. Had to get farther away from the thing that killed his entire family. His entire pack.

And out of all the bad times to go into a flashback that was when it hit him. Or maybe that was just another way of passing out.

"Stiles run!" Malia yelled, running out the doors. Stiles heard her scream seconds later.

Scott grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a strong hug, which confused Stiles even more.

"Stiles, I'm so sorry." Scott said.

"Nooo!" Someone screamed.

Stiles didn't know what was happening, he began to feel Scott's claws tear into the flesh of his neck, then a gun shot rang out.

Stiles saw his father holding the gun, before running to Stiles, pulling him away.

Scott's hand shot out, wrapping around Stiles' leg. His claws tearing into his flesh.

"Sheriff you don't understand! He has to die!" Scott yelled as Stiles screamed in pain.

The Sheriff shot Scott two more times in the chest before pulling his son to his feet and taking him to the hallway.

"Stiles go!"

Through the pain and shock Stiles could barely move. Then his father shoved him down the hall. His feet seemed to carry him against his will. He stopped and turned around looking back at his Dad, about to go back for him. "I can't leave you!"

The Sheriff smiled at him. But then the door behind him opened and he was grabbed by the collar and jerked into the room. The door shutting behind him.

Next thing he knew Argent was pulling his arm, pulling him away from the screaming that was just down the hall.

"I have- I have to go back for them!"

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