Who needs adoption papers?

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Mirabel has been with the Watsons for a few weeks, they were fantastic people. Mirabel has been able to stay sitting up instead of laying down and her bandages were able to come off, but she was bored out of her mind. But she missed her family so much she wondered what they were doing and if they were okay? Are they looking for her? Do they think she's dead?

Mirabel tried to not think about it, but it was always in the back of her head. It was another day and Mirabel was reading a book to kill her boredom.

"Hola Mira!" Juan exclaimed, Mirabel smiled at him as Ben came in and walked up To Mirabel and licked her.

"Hola Señor Juan, how was your day?" Mirabel asked, Juan chuckled as he set down a basket of fruit on the table.

"You don't have to call me 'Señor Juan' you know? You've been here for weeks." Juan said, Mirabel smiled she was about to answer when someone knocked on the door Ben growled.

"Ben down boy." Juan muttered, he walked to the door and opened it and saw a man.

"Oh...hola Frank." Juan muttered, Frank rolled his eyes as he walked in the house without permission.

"By all means come in." Juan hissed, Ben was snarling baring his teeth.

"You late on rent." Frank huffed, Mirabel pulled Ben back for him not to pin the man to the ground Juan rubbed his temples.

"I-I know...just give me some more time, my wife just had our kid, and I'm selling the crops just-I need more time." Juan said. Frank huffed his rolled his eyes.

"You better have your money within three months, or you'll be kicked out and lose your farm." Frank said, Mirabel let out a small "what?" Juan eyes widened in horror and Frank's eyes landed on Mirabel.

"Who is she?" Frank asked, pointing at Mirabel.

"She's Mirabel, and she's hurt me and my wife are taking care of her." Juan said, Frank scoffed.

"Well no wonder your in dept, your looking after a slut!" Frank exclaimed, Mirabel became uneasy and Juan became enraged Ben was starting to try and bounce the man but Mirabel held him back.

"And what do you mean by that? Frank." Juan hissed, Ben was snarling mad like.

"I mean look at her, you picked up a tramp on the streets, she using you Juan. She's just faking her injuries for food and money." Frank said, tears pricked Mirabel's eyes Juan stepped towards Frank.

"Listen here Frank. Mirabel is nothing more than a sweet little girl, who lost her family and is injured. She's not here for money she hasn't even asked for that she just needs to heal and go back to her family who is probably worried sick for her." Juan said, Frank let out a "hmph" as he walked to the door.

"Good luck getting money with that slut around." Frank said, Juan slammed the door muttering a curse. He looked back and Mirabel was silently crying.

"God I hate Frank, listen Mirabel don't listen to him he thinks he all high and up because he collects money from everyone and gives it to his boss who takes care of the money of something." Juan said, he hugged Mirabel being mindful of her bruised ribs and broken leg.

"I'm the reason your in dept?" Mirabel asked, Juan shook his head.

"No, Rosa birthed Polly and she had to stay in the hospital because I was worried for her and Polly because she's our first child, and the bill was big and I'm late on dept, but I promise you are not the reason we're in dept heck you haven't done anything for us to see any red flags but we'll find a way for rent." Juan said, Mirabel nodded as she wiped her eyes.

"What can I call you?" Mirabel asked, picking up the conversation that was dropped.

"Hmm, you can call me Tío if you want." Juan said, Mirabel smiled as she thought about it.

"I like if you don't mind it." Mirabel said, Juan smiled.

"No I don't mind, Rosa will be happy to find out she has a sobrina." Juan said, Mirabel chuckled as the door opened and Rosa came in holding a babbling Polly.

"I hope you like Gazpacho Mirabel." Rosa said, as she walked into the kitchen still with Polly Mirabel chuckled.

"I do Tía, I do." Mirabel said, Rosa poked her head out confused and...happy.

Mirabel laughed as Juan chuckled. "You have a prima now Polly." Rosa laughed, Polly squealed.

"How are you feeling Mira?" Rosa asked, as Juan took Polly.

"Okay, this book is very interesting maybe when I'm back to the Encanto I can tell my Tía about it." Mirabel said, picking up the book.

"One of my favorite ones." Rosa said, Mirabel smiled.

"Did Frank come by?" Rosa ask, Juan grimiest.

"Sí, he wants the rent payed in three months." Juan muttered, Rosa gasp.

"But we just payed for the hospital bill!" Rosa exclaimed, Juan sighed he offered Polly to Mirabel and Mirabel took a hold of Polly.

"Yeah, but I just need to sell the crops and we're good, how was your sister's visit?" Juan ask, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Okay..." Rosa muttered, Polly snuggled up to Mirabel.

"And I'm stuck." Mirabel giggled, rubbing Polly's back. Rosa made some Gazpacho and Mirabel ate it, just like the last meals they were pretty good, but like always it made her miss her family more.

Once Mirabel was done eating Mirabel looked after Polly as Rosa cleaned up and Juan went to do some last minute chores. Once Rosa was done she put Polly done for bedtime.

"Night Mirabel." Rosa whispered, Juan by her side.

"Night Tía, Night Tío." Mirabel whispered back, as she closed her eyes Ben by her side to keep her company.

"And night to you to Ben." Mirabel chuckled, falling asleep.


Pepa felt some twinge with inside her but she didn't know what. Pepa sighed as she continued to read a book, one of Mirabel's books her favorite one too 'Charlotte's Web'.

I see why she loved this book so much." Félix said, Pepa nodded tears running down her face.

"Any luck with Julieta?" Pepa ask, Félix sighed as he shook his head.

"No, it's gotten worse actually." Félix said, Pepa put the book down but didn't let lose she didn't want to lose the book of her Nube.

"How bad?" Pepa ask, Félix sat down.

"She's starting to avoid Alma, when she tried to comfort her Julieta lashed out refusing to be near her. And she can't sleep if Isabela and Luisa aren't with her." Félix said, Pepa chocked on a sob her sister was getting worse and worse.

"What are we gonna do?" Pepa cried, Félix rubbed her back.

"I don't know vida but it will get better." Félix whispered, he didn't want to mention that Agustín looked like a mess at all he looked at hopeless as Julieta is.

They only prayed that things will get better.

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