Unfortunate events

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Mirabel opened her eyes, for a moment she didn't know where she was then she remembered, the man who took her were asleep the fire still lit but dying down. Mirabel realized she was gagged and tied but they didn't tie her feet.

Mirabel shakily stood up a man let out snort, scaring her but he didn't wake up. Mirabel looked around her hands were in front of her but they were tied together so tight it hurt a lot. Mirabel saw a knife near the boss of the group.

Mirabel took a breath as she tipped toe to the boss, he moved his arm to where Mirabel was about to step Mirabel quickly moved her leg. Mirabel stretched out her leg to slid the knife to her. Mirabel sat back down her feet holding the knife up.

Mirabel pressed her tied hands to the knife and they snapped. Mirabel quickly took off her gag. Mirabel looked around the horses were standing probably asleep. Mirabel grabbed a stick and with the knife cut a big part of her dress, and tied it to the stick making a torch.

Mirabel put the hand made torch near the dying fire and blew on it a bit, and it caught on fire Mirabel smiled. She took the knife and, looked and heard a water falling a waterfall, and if it's a waterfall there's a river and if there's a river she might find a town and get help.

Mirabel carefully walked into the forest. Mirabel carefully left the campsite of the man who kidnapped her, Mirabel had no idea where she was going but she only followed the sound of water.

Mirabel accidentally dropped the torch and fell on a bush setting it on fire, Mirabel squeak as she tried to stomp it out. Unaware that one of the men woke up.

"OH GOD- BOSS! She got away!" The man shouted, Mirabel ditched the bush a ran away from the water.

"WHAT?! THAT GIRL COULDN'T HAVE GONE FAR!" The boss shouted, Mirabel had tears she didn't want to die, she didn't want to be sold to who knows where, she wanted her family. Mirabel wiped her eyes, but tripped over a tree branch.

Mirabel let out a yell as she tumbled over a hill, a rocky hill. Mirabel tumbled over the rocks she felt how her leg broke, Mirabel finally stop tumbling but it wasn't over.

Mirabel tried to get up up but saw a pointed rock in her arm. Mirabel struggled to get up her body ached Mirabel looked up the hill and saw the three man she couldn't hear what they were saying but she was dead it didn't matter anymore she was dead and she didn't even get to say goodbye to her family.

"Oh my...is she dead?" The man asked, his hand over his mouth.

"Yeah, no way anyone could survive that. Her head is bleeding I think? She's definitely dead no point wasting our time on her." The boss man said, he walked away the two men left looked at each and followed their boss.

Mirabel coughed as she took shaky breaths tears falling down. When she could swore she heard a howl echo then.

"What is it boy?" A voice echoed, Mirabel turned her head towards a light there were some barks and footsteps.

Mirabel saw a blurry brown figure and a tall one. "Oh my, kid! Kid are you okay?!" The man asked, Mirabel shook her head weakly.

"Okay, okay don't worry kid. I'm going to help you. Ben go back home get Rosa!" The man said, the dog barked and ran off the man put Mirabel's head in his lap he saw the rock in her arm he winched.

"Okay, kid I'm going to get your arm out but it's going to hurt okay?" The man said, Mirabel didn't say anything it hurt to much. The man took a breath as he quickly lifted up her arm making her cry out.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm Juan, my wife Rosa will be here in awhile she's a nurse-well in training but something she'll fix you up, we're not far from my town." Juan said, Mirabel closed her eyes but Juan shook her.

"Kid no, don't go to sleep yet. Who are you? Why are you here? Where are your parents?" Juan asked, Mirabel opened her mouth but nothing came out.

After what could've been six minutes then hoofsteps and barking was heard. "Amor what is it that made Ben come- oh sweet-" Juan's wife, Rosa, stopped she jumped off the horse.

"Don't worry honey, I got you." Rosa said, Mirabel couldn't keep her eyes open any longer she closed them everything cutting off.

"Oh crap! Is she dead?" Juan asked, Rosa shook her head.

"No just passed out from the pain poor child, what happened-no not now get her on the horse I'll rush her to our home I have the supplies there." Rosa said, Juan nodded as he picked up the unconscious girl.

Rosa got on the horse and Juan handed Mirabel to her. Rosa secured Mirabel in her arms. "Just go I can walk." Juan said, Rosa sighed as she wipped the horse to make it move. Juan sighed and Ben whined.

"You did good boy, good boy, she'll be fine." Juan said, rubbing Ben's head. Ben wagged his tail as they started their walk back home.


Rosa slid off their horse she quickly tied him to the fence and rushed into her home. Turning on the lights Rosa put Mirabel on the couch and grab her medical supplies. Rosa grabbed a pair of scissors and cut Mirabel's shirt she needed to make sure there wasn't any life threatening injuries.

Besides cuts and bruises from her torso to collarbone she was fine, but her face, arm, and leg, was not. Rosa cleaned Mirabel's bleeding head and wrapped it up. Rosa wrapped a lot of gauze roll bandages on Mirabel's arm that had a rock through it.

Then used a tensor bandage for Mirabel's leg. The door opened but Rosa didn't look back she knew who it was a 'woah' was heard.

"Give this girl some privacy." Rosa said, finishing up wrapping the tensor bandage on Mirabel's leg.

"Sorry, how is she?" Juan asked, turning around Rosa sighed as she used some alcohol pad to disinfect Mirabel's scratches.

"Not good, she broke her leg, and she might have bruises near her ribs." Rosa sighed, she put bandages on Mirabel's scratches. Rosa sighed she went to her room and grabbed a white shirt and came back and it on Mirabel careful for her injuries.

Juan turned back. "What happened to her? She's just a baby." Rosa sighed, Juan chuckled kissing her.

"You think every teen is a baby." Juan said, Rosa only had a look of worry on her face.

"Tomorrow in the morning will get a doctor, you can watch her right?" Juan asked, Rosa smiled softly.

"Yes I can, go to sleep I'll watch her." Rosa said, Juan sighed as he kissed his wife one last time before he went to their bedroom.

Ben hopped on the couch and layed down. "You'll keep us company, eh?" Rosa ask, Ben yawned. Rosa rubbed Mirabel's hand worrying for the young girl hoping she'll be okay.


The Madrigals and the community have been searching they found nothing, but Mirabel's bag and pink butterfly that she made herself and it was covered in blood but it wasn't Mirabel's but they didn't know. That meant one thing Mirabel Madrigal was dead. The shock that went over the Madrigals was something terrifying. Julieta let out a painful cry falling to her knees, Agustìn didn't know how to react, Isabela and Luisa started crying.

Pepa held onto Antonio crying Felix comforting her but his saddened look was heart breaking, Dolores sobbed onto Mariano, Camilo was silent tears rolling down his face, Antonio was crying.

"No, no she's not dead! She can't be!" Antonio sobbed, Pepa tried her best to comfort but Antonio was inconsolable.

Bruno was in shock, and Abuela tears in her eyes but didn't let them fall. "W-We will prepare her funeral..." Alma said, no one said anything just silent nods.

"Sh-She can't be dead m-mi bebé..." Julieta whispered, her voice cracking she refused to believe her daughter had to be alive...right?

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