Wings of Death and Ice.

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The group of three entered a jungle as a battle roared to life. The book came out as Eyrin hummed.

"This land is home to a powerful Wisp Wizard. It can channel the elements into its wisps and its sword is an art of death. It shows the night who's boss and saves light from dark. Let your gaze search for a dragon that understands the weak."

Eyrin paused before hiding the cart and they followed the sound of battle. A boy was slicing down some enemies before a small dragon launched some energy orbs at them. The dragon noticed the group as the boy finished the battle and went over. He then joined.

"Yes?" Eyrin smiled as she showed her book. His eyes lit up before he looked around. "Oh... Name's Keith! Ashley was just here... I know where she's going though!" Eyrin nodded.

"Let's go-" Keith's dragon growled as another group of enemies took the field. Eyrin rolled her shoulders back.

"Get to the cart." Putting the book in her bag, she raced forward.

"Ancient Whirl!"

The whirl encased the enemies as the others ran to the cart. Eyrin joined them as Keith opened a gate.


Upon entering, Eyrin's book hummed again.

"This land is home to a powerful Ice Wizard. It can channel the cold into flowers that hold promises. Look for one to guide you to the fairy."

Eyrin blinked before her eyes touched a Frost Flower. She then saw a young girl peek out from behind a snowy tree.

"Who?" She saw Keith and grinned. He smiled.

"Come on, Ashley!" He held up his book, which prompted her to grab her stuff and join them. Eyrin smiled before turning the cart around and racing to the next Portal.


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