Last Rainfall.

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The duo entered the next area as gravity vanished. Eyrin tied the cart down near the portal where gravity was strongest and they floated out. She hummed as they found a certain area. The book glowed as she grabbed it.

"This land homes a powerful flyer. It can raise the clouds and guide the stars. It shows the night who's boss and saves light from dark. Let your gaze search high, not low, for wings of millions."

"Hm..." She looked around before her eyes landed on a similar book. A small girl with gentle wings rested on her back. She smiled as she waved the girl over. She flew over and her eyes landed on the book in Eyrin's arms.




"This is Meloetta!" The girl smiled before looking around.

"We have to go before-"

"Rain!" A group of warriors flew over as she yelped.

"No no no no no no no no..." Eyrin pushed her behind her as Meloetta raced forward and sent a series of spells out. She was able to push the group away as Eyrin led her to the cart.

"Meloetta!" The small creature raced over as she pushed for the portal. "ENGUARD!"

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