"This is going to be annoying," Skylor said.

"We won't need it. I'm just about done with Garmadon."

"That should be Lloyd's," Morro said.

"What does he mean "just about done" ?" Blue asked, "What is Lloyd even doing to him?"

"Taking his memories away?" Skylor concluded.

"You mean we're going to experience pain?!" Blue said, frantic and panicked. "I can't die from the pain. I haven't peed yet!"

"Calm down," White said, "OG said Lloyd's doing all this to release the dark power building up inside him. A means of that would be converting the dark matter to energy and spending it."

"But why did he have to think of taking away our memories?" Water said, "I might not like the time I spent dealing with Lloyd, but I don't want my mind tampered with."

"Yeah. Aren't there other and much better ways?"

"I'm assuming it's an idea spawned from guilt," White suggested.

"Guilt?" Blue wondered aloud, "Nah, that makes no sense."

All the lights in Ninjago City went out, and things seemed to be at a standstill.

"What's happening?!" Black asked, panicked.

"Stay back! I won't let you have this!"

"Is something going on with Lloyd?" Misako asked.

"I can't pick the locks," Skylor said, "It's like it's held stiff by something inside."

"My feet won't move!" White exclaimed.

"Mine won't either!" Red said, panicking. "What's happening?"

"Okay, everyone," Misako said, "Calm down. We can't get out of this mess without calming down first. Deep breaths."

Everyone took some time to calm down. Misako looked around but everywhere was surrounded by a thick dark fog.

"Okay," Blue said, "I think our priority should be getting out of the cages. Like right now!!!"


"Don't shush me!"


"I'm not sure why you guys are putting yourselves on the line." A deeper, raspier, new voice spoke.

"Lloyd!" Misako, Skylor, and Morro exclaimed at once.


"That's-" Skylor said. "That's the real Lloyd Garmadon!"

"But what about- ?" Red asked, cut off.

"She's right," Misako said, "That's exactly how my son sounded before he started introducing all these clones."

"Really?" Blue asked. "Then, if that is the Lloyd, why do you guys seem weird?"

"I guess it's because we haven't heard that voice in two years."

"At this point, you've lost me," Black said, sitting down. Having given up, he pulled off his mask and sighed.

"Black?!" Blue almost screamed.


"Why did you do that?" White asked.

"The same reason Kai did. I'm fed up, confused, tired, and hungry. If this isn't torture, then what is?"

"I'm not hun-" Kai said, "Hey, wait! How come everyone's more surprised by Cole's reveal than mine?"

"That's what's bothering you?" Water asked, her eyebrow raised. She pulled off her ninja mask and sighed. "I don't think I've had this on for so long."

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