At once the group falls into an animated discussion about their last week and their plans for a big New Year's party in Gold Coast. Nobody seems to realize the absence of hair on my jaw and cheeks. At least nobody acknowledges it. And I am thankful for that.

"Oh, Mase," Danny jumps in his seat, "did you pack a suit?"

"A suit?" I frown.

"You're coming to Gold Coast for New Year's with us, no?"

I shrug. "I guess."

"Then you need a suit," Harry chimes in.

"Why?" I feel the line between my brows deepen.

Riley snickers as she reaches over the table, avoiding multiple beers, to grab a menu. Her shoulder presses against my upper arm in the process, and her thigh against my own, but she doesn't seem to care.

"Because these fancy boys," Rathi points at Harry and Danny, "want to celebrate New Year's in a fancy club."

Harry wiggles his brows. "Suits are mandatory." Mischievously grinning, he adds, "I'm sure Riley's going to wear some sexy number too."

Rolling her eyes, Riley opens the menu and slides it halfway toward me. "They have great veggie burgers here," she announces, pointing at the different options and completely ignoring Harry's comment.

Choosing to do the same, I briefly scan the advertised dishes she points at, delighted to have more than one choice. Then I get distracted by the outline of the Australian continent tattooed on her arm just below her shoulder. Clearing my throat to drop out of it, I ask, "What's your favorite?"

She turns her head and gives me a surprised look. Her eyes dash over my face, really studying me. "You...," she starts, but slams her lips shut.

I pull my lips to one side in a half-smirk and lift a brow. "Me?"

"No," she shakes her head abruptly. "You look different."

"Ah." I make a point by rubbing my now naked chin between my thumb and index finger. Her brows inch together slightly, and I wink to hide that I'm uncomfortable with my appearance before turning back to study the burger options.

I can still feel her studying me for a minute or so until she grabs her drink, takes pull and empties it. She coughs again, wipes the back of her hand over her mouth, pushing to a stand. "Everyone decided? I'll go order."

Her friends rattle off what they want, leaving me last to order. After saying what I'd like to have, Riley slides out of the booth, collects the empty bottles and sashays off to the bar. I allow myself a few seconds of watching her peachy ass sway side to side with each stride.

I would've watched her longer, but Luke and Chase announce their arrival with booming voices even over the music. Chase is already carrying an additional chair which he places at the head of the table before he waves at everyone. Luke squeezes his ass into the booth across from me.

Riley comes back, puts a round of beers down and squeals, doing that cute nose scrunch again as she greets her brother with a hug before bending forward to kiss his boyfriend's cheek. Lucky bastard. That movement causes her top to shift and uncovers the top of that twig tattoo on her sternum. I'm thinking lavender? What would I give to let my tongue run up that hollow space between her tits?

Great, now my cock twitches behind the zipper of my jeans. Shit's uncomfortable.

Riley straightens, tugs at her top and steps behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I just ordered, but if you want I can run and add something."

"We already ate," Luke says, waving his hand before reaching for a beer which confuses me for a second until I recall that drinking here is legal at eighteen. I think Luke and Chase are both around twenty if I remember correctly and next to them I feel ancient.

Waves - Book #2 [completed]Where stories live. Discover now