51. Lift

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‘You don’t have to lift a finger’ had been Scarlet’s words earlier and she should have seriously not believed her, it wasn’t like she did believe her whole heartedly but she hoped to—then she ended up just cutting the onions for her because she asked nicely.

Before she knew it, she was alone in the kitchen preparing dinner for the three of them—the phrase of making yourself at home had been tattooed too literally to Scarlet.

How could she possibly suggest dinner at her place, to cook for them, to only have boiled the water then vanished.

Was she upset—well that was a yes—but it was Scarlet what would she have expected, a serious chef?

While preparing dinner Chiara had been furiously cutting the ingredients and no other than Scarlet had been in mind at that time. It wasn’t like she would do—maybe if given the chance—but that was a definite no.

Regardless she prepared dinner with love even if her daughter and her girlfriend’s laughter had been irritating her time to time—how could she possibly be enjoying herself so much when all of it had been her idea.

Anyway dinner was done, Scarlet helped out with clearly the table—maybe she would even do the dishes.

Really wrong of her to place so much hope in her—so fucking wrong.

Scarlet did help clear the table and bring the dirty dishes to the kitchen, Chiara should have known once she turned around with a wide smile—she would soon let her do the dishes alone.

No good idea came out of a smile Scarlet—it was too rare.

Scarlet placed a quick peck on her cheek then just like that she had ran out the kitchen.

Impeccable timing.

And then Chiara did the dishes—there wasn’t any need to argue, she had no energy for that.


Scarlet sat on the bed wearing a face mask with her hair pulled back into a sloppy ponytail, had been the last thing she was expecting to happen right after walking into her own room.

She had no idea how she found them and could care less, she had no energy for any of it really— closing the door behind her she simply sighed.

Glancing at the door Scarlet smiled, patting the spot in front of her on the bed she spoke staring at Chiara.

“Come here.”

“What now.” Chiara mumbled walking over to the bed, she hadn’t really been reluctant at Scarlet’s request—rather laid down with her head resting on Scarlet’s laps, as the girl instructed.

“I’m going to do your skincare routine.” tearing the wrapper off the facemask she mumbled and got a simple hum from Chiara. A second later she had it placed on Chiara’s face.

Adjusting the mask she asked. “Shouldn’t you be saying thank you.”

“It’s the least you could do after abandoning me.” Chiara had hissed back.

Unbelievable of her to invite herself to a dinner and let the host cook, do everything actually and then expect a thank you for a bare minimum—really Scarlet like.

“Don’t be mad.” Scarlet spoke, this time hovering over Chiara—with a pout.

“Why shouldn’t I be?”

She had no excuse, just couldn’t find any—very sad. “Okay be mad but not for too long.” Scarlet spoke again. Taking the empty wrapper she stared at the instructions, “Anyway how long should these be on?”

“A few minutes.” Closing her eyes Chiara respond with a bit of a smile on her face. “—I want a massage.” she added.

“Is my baby tired?”

“And it’s whose fault?”

Right, everything today was her fault and she had accepted that—with a hum Scarlet’s gaze fell back on Chiara—she hadn’t changed her clothes.

“Then I should also help you out of your clothes.”

“Wait, why?” regardless of asking she did sit up and let Scarlet unbutton the shirt she wore to the office.

“You need comfortable clothes on.” pulling the shirt over her head she then unhooked her bra next— “Hands up.” she mumbled holding a t-shirt in hand, Chiara complied.

Once the shirt was over her head, Scarlet placed s quick peck over her lips then let her lie down again.

Scarlet had placed her hands over Chiara’s shoulders and began giving her a massage—which wasn’t very good.

“You are bad at this.” Chiara spoke, eyes closed shaking her head. Soon a laughter escaped her mouth as Scarlet went from a massage to a tickling session.

“I said a massage.” she sat up trying to escape again tickle attack from Scarlet.

“But I’m bad at.”

Very bad at it, maybe even made her sore muscles worse right now— unbelievable.

“You are.” Chiara agreed, staring at Scarlet she remembered something. “Time to remove the face masks.” she said taking off hers then took off Scarlet’s as well.

“Clean and soft.” Scarlet smiled at Chiara in content cupping her own face.

“Yes, Clean and soft.” Chiara agreed placing a peck against Scarlet’s lips. “We should sleep.” she added before capturing her lips into another kiss.

A bit prolonged this time.

Her arms around Chiara waist she gave her a head nod, agreeing. “Let’s cuddle.” a suggestion Chiara wouldn’t say no to.

“Sure love.”

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