50. Had lunch?

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Chiara had been too focused on analyzing the documents sent to her to even notice the extra guest in her office—not like she would complain about Scarlet popping up whenever she wanted, the girl never listened and she did like her company.

Whenever she was around the mood changed and in a good way of course, she had always been looking forward to spending time with Scarlet—she would find herself in a sad mood whenever Scarlet didn’t visit.

But her texts whenever she couldn’t make it were reassuring—she found herself smiling—she liked Scarlet around whenever but sometimes she really did wander if she got any work done.

With her foot she closed the door behind her, moving away from the door, Scarlet walked up to Chiara with a small cake, two plastic forks and a plastic bag in hand.

Clearing her throat she grabbed Chaira’s attention—she smiled at first then wore a confused expression at the cake.

“What’s that?”

“It’s lunch.” Scarlet simply replied taking a seat, one plastic fork in her hand she offered Chiara the other one. The woman did take it but soon after placed it down beside her laptop, once again staring at Scarlet she spoke.

“That’s a cake.”

Of course that was a cake, Scarlet could clearly see it when she bought it—it had all the icing and cake stuff—she knew.

With a head nod, Scarlet agreed. “Yeah and it’s for lunch.” pushing the cake towards Chiara she smiled, disregarding the glare Chiara had directed to her. “You said you hadn’t had lunch yet.” Scarlet added.

If Chiara had known Scarlet would be offering her cake for lunch, she would have lied to her and told her she did have lunch—but at least she had brought herself along with the cake, unlike it she actually wanted Scarlet here.

“That’s too much sugar!” Chiara complained glaring at Scarlet, she didn’t have a problem with sugar but on an empty stomach as a proper afternoon meal—she had never had that.

“You can wash it down with this.”

From the plastic bag she pulled out a can of juice—two bottles at that then followed by a bottle of water—then placed them on the table, she did come prepared and gave Chiara more options.

“I can’t have cake for lunch, it’s a treat.”


“And I am treating you to lunch.”

Chiara was at it again, she refused the fork full of cake shaking her head—but it was sweet Scarlet tried to feed her—the piece of cake ended up going into Scarlet’s mouth instead after Chiara successful keeping her mouth shut for too long.

Scarlet didn’t stop after that still trying to feed Chiara but each piece went into her mouth than the latter, well at least Chiara was having the juice she gave her.

Not a complete fail.

Ten minutes and the cake was nearly gone—yes Scarlet ate it all alone—sad but super sweet.

“You are being very mean.” she took another bite out the piece of cake on her fork, her gaze fixed on Chiara typing on her laptop. “I mean I came all the way here with cake for you, to have me eat it.”

She had shoved another piece of cake into her mouth right after saying that.

Chiara scoffed looking away from the laptop to Scarlet.

“It’s not like you are complaining.” she spoke taking a glance at the remaining cake—Scarlet had really dealt with it even if it was a small sized cake, Chiara wouldn’t make it past four pieces alone—but scarlet did more than that.

“I know but you are missing out.” Scarlet licked the icing off the fork before cutting another piece, then had it directed towards Chiara.

“Just one bite?” Scarlet asked with a pout.

Surprisingly Chiara didn’t put up a fight rather let Scarlet feed her—she did though want to punch off the smirk Scarlet had on her face.

“Delicious right?” Scarlet asked.

Chiara hummed licking off the bit of icing off her lips. “Yes it is.” and like that Scarlet had another piece of cake in her mouth.

Scarlet smiled— success and she wasn’t punched for the second one, she did practically shoved it into her mouth.

“So how about a dinner date at your place.” Scarlet offered, gaining a rather skeptical look from Chiara. “—I come over and cook for both of you.” she quickly added before Chiara could say no.

Thinking over it Chiara leaned back, it wasn’t a bad idea at all and the fact she didn’t need to cook—was great, too great though.

“If I’m not cooking, sure.”

She agreed and Scarlet smiled happily. “You don’t have to lift a finger.” she said going back to her cake.

Did she believe her? no, not really—not fully—Scarlet was full of surprises, too many.

Chiara mumbled. “We’ll see.”

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