47. Dream of you

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A/n: Republished chapter 46 because I added something to it, check it out.


Scarlet had attentively and successful not been listening to a single Jayson was saying the entire time— but he was not really calmly speaking, like he ever did around her, but some what shouting at her— in her defence it was too early to have him talk about business.

Her mind could not function properly and she had enough things— someone— on her mind.

And mostly if the words slipping out his mouth were ‘where were you yesterday’ followed by business talk, just the thought of yesterday had her mind completely hazy—everything from the breakfast to ending up tired and naked in Chiara’s office.

And suddenly Tuesday’s were bearable, amazing for a matter of fact.

Of course after that they both took a two hour nap then waking up around noon, later on Chiara chasing her away so she could actually work—unlike her, Scarlet went to the comfort of her bed—going to work had been way over her head, she wasn’t dressed for it.

Her shirt was missing about three button, it was wrinkled up—if not for the jacket she wore on top everyone would definitely have known what they did—her mood as well was too cheerful to be ruined at work.

Home was the best option—always had been and will always be the greatest option.

“Are you even listening?” Jayson asked snapping his fingers in front of her face, quickly grabbing her attention with the shine in her eyes and wide smile—he already knew the answer. “Don’t answer that, you clearly aren’t—look at that smile on your face.” he pointed at her.

At least he knew. “So could you go away?” she asked looking at him a bit hopeful for something that would certainly not happen now—not anytime soon as he leaned back on the chair.

Jayson shook his head. “No. You can fantasise about your girlfriend later, now we are discussing business.” did he care to ask her about the details—never really did but with that smile on her face, what did this woman possibly do to get Scarlet all smiles in the morning— at a quarter to nine.

“You are. I barely understand any of it.” Scarlet pointed out with a sigh—all her ears caught onto was the word ‘stock’ and ‘investment’ the rest made her head hurt.

“Well if you were here yesterday, you would know.” the man mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose he groaned—he had been a mad man yesterday running around looking for her, one minute she was in the office then gone—not answering her phone but luckily it was a matter were she needed to be present, not yet.

“A party, you get?” he asked resting his arms on top of her desk—yes he was definitely glaring, she had zoned out again and had that stupid smile on her face.

Hitting the surface of desk he caught her attention— startled Scarlet pursed her lips confused as to what response he was expecting and to what—yeah she hadn’t heard a think.

Jayson sighed before repeating the words, this time she caught them—nodding her head she asked. “Yeah I get what a party is but what has it got to do with me?”

“A fundraiser that you need to attend tonight.” the man explained more still holding a glare at Scarlet, ready to bite her head off if she pissed him off more.


He calmly spoke taking a deep breath in. “You’ll get to meet big names and investors—good for business.”

That made sense, it all did now all those words he threw at her—made so much sense.

With a smile she took her gaze back Jason. “Can I bring a plus one?” she asked, hopeful—too hopeful in fact.

Her plus one? Her mother? Definitely not, Amity? That was a possibility but her smile—it wasn’t anybody else but Chiara, of course.

Jayson shook his head immediately disapproving. “No you can not you idiot. I know who you want to bring, it’s big no.” Scarlet pouted instantly, again Jayson sighed. “—plus I believe she’ll be there, she is invited.” he added staring into her eyes.

She couldn’t bring her along with her but she could definitely meet her there—with a nod Scarlet smiled, it was going to be a good night.

“Are you going?”

Silly question.

“If not me then who will make sure you don’t do something stupid.” the man stood, staring back at his best friend he added. “Dress decent.” with that said he left.

The Lady Loving WomenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz