48. Plane field

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Usually a conversation did last about five minutes, about business at these kinds of parties—it was no more than a brief introduction, giving the other a scope into the proposal then off to the next—same thing, a loop to be precise.

But Scarlet didn’t understand why Chiara had been holding a conversation with that man for nearly twenty minutes—no she wasn’t counting it was just an accurate estimation—lies.

Scarlet glared at the man when Chiara ended up patting his shoulder laughing at something he said again— she had watched her laugh twice now, what could possibly be so funny that had Chiara laughing every so often.

The entire time she had been stuck up on glaring at them, the man in particular, about two people had approached her—one being Jayson telling her to possibly mind her own damn business because people were watching, yes she didn’t listen because Chiara’s business was hers and the other talking about a business offer—she barely understood him and his words.

Though she did hold a conversation with the simple head nod and short replies, occasionally glancing at him—the relief that washed over her as he finally left was great and she was really about to walk over to the two, if Jayson hadn’t stopped her.

“Where the fuck are you going?” the man hissed grabbing onto her arm—was she pleased? Definitely would not say that, she was glaring at him.

“To talk to people.”

“You mean to Chiara? You basically look like a jealous girlfriend.”

Finally freeing her arm from his hold she sighed. “Well I am jealous. That should be me making her laugh.” from the corner of her eyes she could still see how that man had the audacity to make her laugh again—what was so damn funny.

“They are just talking about business.”

Sure they were in the first few minutes when he approached her but she could see him clearly hitting on her, every once in a while—she didn’t like it.

Scarlet mumbled. “We can do that too.”

“I’m sure they’re almost done, wait a while.” said Jayson trying to calm her down—he did not need her causing a scene right now.

She had actually listened to him and to say he wasn’t shocked when she just stood by him, staring at anything but where Chiara was—it was an improvement certainly.

Short lived.

Her definition of wait a while was the span of two minutes—a minute and thirty seconds—to be exact and she was already out of his reach, too quick for him to stop her.

Taking the glass of wine off the waiters hands she smiled then proceed to walk to Chiara.

Slipping her free hand around Chiara’s waist she made her presence known. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything but I would like to talk to you.” her gaze fell on the man who was clearly making her blood boil by not immediately going away.

“We are business partners and have business to discuss.” Chiara added taking note of how Scarlet was not planning to stop glaring—and he made it worse he glared back.

Simply nodding his head he went away not before trying to embrace Chiara in a friendly hug—that Scarlet stood in between.

“That way.” with a finger held out she pointed at the other direction, the man sighed and went away.

Freedom—No, more like a furious cute kitten glaring at her.

“Really Scarlet?”

Ignoring her question Scarlet slipped out the empty glass in Chiara with the filled out, holding onto the empty one.

She smiled. “What did I do?”

“I could feel you staring at me the entire time—were you jealous of him?”

Unbelievable, did she really think that man amused her in that way—only about two of his many jokes were funny, she had to fake laughing at every other one—maybe she should be thankful Scarlet saved her.

“No, I was just making sure he doesn’t try anything funny.”

Chiara hummed raising the towards Scarlet she mumbled a little. “Thank you.” she needed the extra boost to get her by mostly when he drained her—wasn’t Scarlet so caring.

“Wait—why don’t you drink alcoholic drinks?” Chiara asked noticing how she had never seen her drink anything alcoholic.

“I was an alcoholic, also had alcohol poisoning—I’ve been sober for some months.” She spoke with a tight smile staring at the floor, taking her gaze to Chiara she brightly smiled—not faking it at all. “So, did you miss me?”

It had always been so easy how her mood easily changed when Chiara was involved, she could be sad one moment then suddenly have the brightest smile.

A smile Chiara loved.

Diverting her gaze away from Scarlet, she mumbled. “It’s really hard for me to not kiss you right now.” staring down at the glass of wine in hand.

“We could leave.”

For a possibility to only makeout than be at a boring event—not at all a bad idea or decision.

“We have been here for forty minutes—isn’t that too early?” Chiara asked, before Scarlet could try to persuade her she quickly added. “And Jayson is glaring at you.” pointing at the man.

He hadn’t stopped since his best friend just decided to walk over there, hold her waist and act as a cock block.

She didn’t care though. “But I want a kiss.” Scarlet pouted staring at only Chiara.

“Stop that.” hissed Chiara, placing her glass down on a random table she walked away from Scarlet, not before giving her a wink— definitely a sign for her to follow and Jayson saw all of it— how shameless could they be.

And in public?

A few minutes after Chiara left Scarlet soon followed pursuit—she was walking down the hall trying to find Chiara until a hand pulled her into the empty room.

Warm lips found their way on hers as soon as the door behind them was closed. “Better?” Chiara asked pulling away from her lips.

“Two more.” and then Scarlet had lips against her lips for a more deeper kiss.

The Lady Loving WomenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora