6. Oh, fuck her?

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Scarlet was furious, disregarding the obvious fact it all had been her fault — not partly, all of it had been she poked the dog and got bitten.

“She almost freaking pulled my ear off — I can’t believe that witch!” Scarlet had hissed, pushing past her office door. With a swift movement she turned to her friend, trailing behind her. “You saw her right?”

Closing the door behind him, he glanced at her.

“You provoked her.” he stated, soon after letting out a small chuckle — what would she have expected honestly, a gift basket? Because she certainly didn’t get that.

“I can still sue her!” she mumbled, walking over to her desk. She wasn’t intending for him to hear that but luck wasn’t for her, Jayson obviously heard her.

Taking a seat right in front of her desk, he sat glaring at her. What would she sue her for and what evidence would back up her claims.

“You are not doing that, any of that.”

With a gasp she glared at her friend, her hand over the ear Chiara had brutally assaulted.

“But my ear is red . . . I saw red! Fucking bloody—” she paused, pursing her lips for second she dropped her hands to her hips. “—Blood!”

It took everything for Jayson not to laugh, then and there, simply the man leaned back giving a short hum right before speaking.

“What do you have against her?”


Jayson held out his index finger, waving it back and forth, cutting Scarlet off — who simply sighed before throwing herself down on her seat.

“And before you saw you don’t, you obviously do.”

“I actually wasn’t going to deny it this time, I do.” she added, taking all the words out of Jayson’s mouth — that was new.

He was surprised, scratching his chin he glanced at Scarlet trying to find the words — the correct words.

“That is new, definitely new.”

She shrugged, leaning closer towards the desk resting her elbows on the surface of the wooden desk.

“You know like how you automatically despise your siblings, like they are just annoying. You love them but you hate them — just that I don’t love her but I do despise her.”

The fact that the girl looked really serious and so invested in explaining something so . . . minor and very useless for that matter, brought a silly smile across his face — if only she could see herself.

Clearing his throat he stared at her in full amazement. “You are making zero sense, why do you hate the woman. Don’t you like have this other rule to love all women, mostly milfs?” he asked.

Leaning back against the chair, she shrugged.

“Hate is a really strong word though. And anyway she was all over my stupid brother when we met — he is a married man, I don’t like those types of women.”

“You know she is married and has a child about your age? She has no interest in your brother, if you ask me — he is too young?”

Child? Please. Scarlet laughed out loud like Jayson had said a really funny joke. “You joshing — she can’t be more that thirty and her child might be eight.”

She hadn’t looked a day over thirty — she could even pass for a twenty something year old.

“Her child is twenty one, scarlet.”

“Damn she old. Wait so that fine woman is over her forties?”

“Probably — you should ask her tomorrow.”

She furrowed her eyebrows, staring at him in confusion, tomorrow?

“That my friend is why we always prefer older women. I would ask her but she would hit me with you never ask a lady her age, plus why tomorrow?

So typical of Scarlet, of course she knew nothing — like she cared to even remember he explained and told her about it before.

On the stacks of files on her desk, he searched for red colored file then handed it over — she had to consider actually looking through these for the good of the company.

“We have a celebration party because we hit number 1 on the mostly preferred search engine, plus the successful business merge — Lexical and Passion.”

Grabbing the file from his hand she opened it and there they were — the results, rating.

It did make her super proud.

“You know, it is hard to believe you are the CEO of this place and that you got it where it is now — even if you lack seriousness.” Jayson mumbled getting off the seat.

Glancing up from the file she grinned. “I’m a genius!” she shouted while wiggling her eyebrows at him.

With a huff, he flipped the girl off and that earned him one in return. Jayson shook his head while walking out her office — to leave her to it, if at all she would get anything done apart from sleep.

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