"Hm, that doesn't seem like too bad of an idea."

"Yeah, we haven't had a family day in a while." Said Marcelo.

"I can't swi-"

"Oh, you won't be going if you don't finish every single bite on your plate, missy." Said Alessandro.


"No buts we are going to go get ready and then when we come back you better have eaten every single bite or else you won't be coming."

Everyone got up and handed there plates too Matilda who gave me a sympathetic look.

I ate about half of a pancake. I felt like throwing up. Why can't they just understand that I'm not used to having big meals? They probably think I have had a normal life. Ha. I wish.

Everyone came rushing down the stairs in their swimsuits and May was chatting like crazy. They seemed so happy. Until Alessandro saw me.

"Alright Kendall when we get back from the beach your plate better be spotless." Said Alessandro firmly.

"Just let her come with us, I think your being a bit too hard on her." Said Angelo

A bit? Yeah definitely. I gave Angelo a small smile of appreciation and gratefulness in which he returned.

"No, she's very small and skinny she needs to eat. And if she can't, she won't get to enjoy and do the fun things with us." Said Alessandro as he was reaching for his wallet.

Everyone walked out the door smiling and talking. Oh, how bad I wish I had a family. A real family. One who doesn't treat me like shit. I feel like if I tell them what happened to me in the past, they will either treat me like broken glass, think I'm crazy, think I'm lying or maybe they won't just care. Which is why I won't tell them.

Hey, look on the bright side if I went, I'd have to wear one of Mays bathing suits and they'd probably be so skimpy and they would see every imperfection on my body.

Then an idea popped into my head.

I'm going to get my bear back and no one is here to stop me.

I went straight to Damion's room and looked around for some cash I could take to pay for the Uber rides. And under a gaming controller there was a $100 dollar bill. I don't feel bad for taking it maybe just a tiny bit but he's the one who caused this in the first place.

I ordered the Uber, and they texted me saying they were outside.

"Kendall? Where are you going honey?" Asked Matilda.

"I need to get my bear back Matilda.. please don't tell Alessandro!"

"Kendall... I think this is a bad idea. If Alessandro finds out, you broke some rules he will freak."

"I know but I need the bear... promise you won't tell?"

"Ah, fine child but I was and not a part of this. Okay?"

"Of course, I wouldn't never rat you out, you are like the best friend I've never had!" I said while stepping out the door.

"Hi is this, Emmanuel?"

"Yes, Kendall, right?"

I nodded and got in the car. Emmanuel dropped me off outside Mc Donald's and I paid him $20 dollars and a small tip. I looked around on the busy road and right in front of me was Fluffy. Fluffy!

I waited for the light to become red, and I crossed the road and safely picked him up and went back to where Emanuel had dropped me off.

She was a bit dirty and had tire marks all over her, but I promised I would wash her up.

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