chapter twenty - pretty much exactly what he seems.

Start from the beginning

I sat down and went back to flipping at pages trying to soak in as much info as I could, at some points in time I would give up, then go back to what I was reading, bill pointed out codes to me then forced me to decipher them, I would sometimes stop to take a bite or two of my sandwich. I looked up four hours left, stan would be in the holding cell around now. 

'hey, y/n~'

what bill.

'why did the bike fall over?'


'because it was too tired!'

I let out a small chuckle and turned the page to see some weird chick-abomination thingy then a lightbulb flashed above my head.

hey bill, why did the chicken cross the road?

'to get to the other side?'

no, to get to the idiot's house. knock knock.

'who's there?'

the chicken.


"-Mabel aren't you forgetting the simpler solution-" I then heard a crash and the sound of three locks being... well, locked. I boredly spun in my chair, maybe it wasn't the best idea to enter the vending machine the right way.... ah but I have to be here! I need to see the look on Ford's face...when he... wait...

hey, bill.

'what.'  according to the tone of voice he had in my head he was still salty about my joke. 

you remembered to "torture" me in ford's nightmares, right?

'yeah, why?'

okay cool, I need to make sure ford can bend to our will very simply, I have a few extra ideas to snap ford easier but it would be impossible without that "proof" of helplessness. 

'you thought that way too causal, are you mentally stable?

no, if I was stable I wouldn't be working with you, so be grateful

'okay then...'

I looked up, fifteen minutes left on the clock, it was about time to hide my extra copies or else I could get in big trouble with dipper and stan, it was bad enough that I was the first one downstairs. I stuffed my copies of the journals into my plastic bag and waited, listening to every conversation that I could and imagining the scene that was happening. by this point in time bill went silent in my head, he must be chasing ford into the portal around now. 

I looked over to see that Loki had sneaked his way into my plastic bag and was emerging from it, I let him crawl up my arm, and then I got up from my chair and mindlessly paced around the room.

thirteen minutes now, I should be able to hear the twins any second. 

"alright Soos, remember the plan, protect the machine, earn stan's trust, legally get adopted by stan, change my name to stan jr." 

"Soos!" dipper yelled. Soos, startled, screamed.

"kids! where have you been?"

"w-what are you doing here?"

"stan gave me a mission to protect this machine heh, and I thought I love snacks!"

"Soos, listen, something huge is going on here, if stan is hiding some dangerous secret we need to find out what it is! I need you to step aside."

"yeah, just let us through so we can prove this is just a big misunderstanding." Mabel spoke, with a highly muffled voice due to being on the ground floor and me in the basement. 

all walls are meant to fall (bill cipher & reader story)Where stories live. Discover now