Chapter 26

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"You're in a good mood today," my mom said, placing a few pooris onto my plate. It was pretty much Indian deep-fried bread that looked like a pufferfish. Minus the eyes and the spikes.

I was eager to burst out of my seat to go and visit Caden and Chunk that I couldn't even taste anything as I shoved piece after piece of bread into my mouth.

If I was being honest, if I hadn't had the chance to speak to Caden that night his nose got busted, maybe I would still be sulking here, thinking the world revolved around me. I mean, I got to talk to Sai again because of him. Sure he acted off yesterday but he did help me with Jordan yet again.

And instead of giving him food, I was going to invite him over for lunch. Which he would hate even more. Maybe I was feeling a little more evil than grateful. I couldn't help it.

"I want to invite Caden over for lunch. Is that okay?" Please be okay.

My mom looked suspicious. "Why?"

"He helped me with Sai," I told her, mouth full. I reached for a glass of water and took a giant swallow.

"You two were having an issue with your friendship?" asked dad. "That's news to me."

"I didn't tell anyone until a few days ago. I kinda...had a breakdown." My mom put everything down at once and hurried over to me. She pulled up the chair next to me at the dining table and placed a strand of hair behind my hair.

"Sweetie, why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't want to worry you. You've been through so much already. I figured, since I'm trying to explore the world myself, that I'd deal with this alone, too."

"We're your parents. You're not too old to rely on us when the going gets tough."

"Your mom is right," piped dad, looking at me over his thin glasses. "Things may not be the same anymore but we're still here for you. Always."

I sniffled and leaned over for a hug from mom. I wouldn't tell them this, but I wished Saria was here, as well. I missed all the times we spent having family movie nights and board game nights.

It was something I took advantage of then, not knowing how life would change now. I needed to get out of the house before I burst into tears and revealed this. I wouldn't bring back bad memories for my parents when they were just starting to move on.

Getting up, I went toward the kitchen to wash my hands. "So is that a yes? For Caden coming over?"

A heavy, exasperated sigh. "That's a yes." I hurried over and kissed her head and then waved to dad before leaving. I closed the front door and leaned against it. I took a deep breath, held it, and then let it out slowly. That calmed my racing heart a tad bit. I raced down the first few steps and hurried toward my next-door neighbor.

Had he gone for his daily jog with Chunk? Or was he with his band at practice? I kept my fingers crossed by my side as I knocked on his front door. It opened, and I breathed a big sigh of relief.

Caden was shirtless—was this even new?—but instead of jogger shorts, he was wearing his ripped black jeans slung low on his hips. That, along with those black tattoos of his against his golden tanned skin made him look so badass it was terrifying.

His black curls lay elegantly across his head, as always, with no sign of bedhead. But even bedhead would look majorly attractive on him. I had no doubt about it.

He raised a brow at me.

"What?" I managed to sputter out. "Didn't I tell you I'd come over?"


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