Chapter 23

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We were at a red light, giving him ample time to squint as if I was too stupid to live. Which I was, given how there was literally no one else in the car and I stammered out 'me'? like a caveman seeing another human for the first time.

His lips were in a hard, thin line. "You haven't learnt a thing, have you?"

Was he talking about what I had just said or? "What does that mean?"

"As soon as he called you a bitch, you should have punched him." There was so much malice in his words that was hidden from his tone. His hands clutching the steering wheel, and turning his knuckles white were the only indication of anger that I could sense. "Changing outfits and learning to speak to more people doesn't automatically turn you into a new person. You have to learn to stand up for yourself."

"I hadn't expected he would call me a bitch or even shove me," I said, defensive. "I'm not used to stuff like that."

"Not everyone's gonna resemble fucking rainbows and sunshine like you."

That shut me up. At least, for a little while. "Why are you so rude to me? What in the hell did I ever do to you?"

This time, he was the one that went quiet. Probably deliberately. First, Sai won't even tell me what I did wrong. Then Caden's blunt rudeness and this whole fiasco with a brute at a bar. Was I that annoying to people?

My vision blurred and my nose tickled. I knew what that meant. The waterworks were coming. Turning my head forcefully out the window, I tried to stop my nose from leaking but it was getting harder and harder. Subtly, I pulled the sleeves of my knit top down to swipe at it before blinking rapidly, willing away the warm tears that sank into my lashes. The sound of my sniffles was the only noise in the car, so I knew he had heard that.

Gosh damnit, I thought. I couldn't do anything right. All of a sudden, the faint noise of music was turned up so much that my ears were going to burst. I didn't know if he had done it for my interest so that I wouldn't be embarrassed, or for his so he didn't have to hear my insufferable sniffling.

Probably the latter.

It wasn't until the long, harrowing journey came to an end that I let out a sigh. I was going to be home soon. Hopefully, my face didn't look the mess I felt it was. I was about to get out when the click of the locks being enforced resonated in my ears.

"I wasn't trying to blame you," said Caden. Was I hearing things? There was a hard edge to his face that I couldn't put my finger on. Like he wasn't used to saying this. "Look out for yourself. There are no heroes in life."

He had a point. I was just too egotistic to admit it. "Thank you. For what you just said and for helping me back in the bar."

He stayed silent for a while. "And you're blaming yourself for what happened."

How did he—then cut myself off at his deliberately raised eyebrows as if daring me to ask. He knew that I knew very well. I was easy to read.

"I'm not," I said, instead. "I'm blaming myself for not being able to see you get punched." His eyes lit with an inner glow before they dimmed just as quickly. "Does it hurt a lot?"


"It would, I reckon. There was a lot of blood." I studied his nose that earlier I had thought to be perfectly straight. In actuality, being able to see him from this close, I could see that the bridge was a little bit crooked.

"Oh my god, it's broken!" I said.

"Yeah, I know."

"What do you mean 'you know'? We need to get you to a hospital right now."

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