Chapter 22

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Sai, where the heck are you?

I've been texting and calling for a week straight and you're just ignoring me.

Did I do something wrong?

Pls, call me back.

We're supposed to go to the gig now.

I'm here. Where are you?

All those messages had been sent today, with the most recent being the last message.

Sent right now.

We were standing out a bar with a long queue along with Jordan and Paris, the former I tried to smile at and be casual around.

It wasn't working, and I needed Sai.

"Is Sai coming?" Paris asked.

"I have no idea," I mumbled, trying her cell once again. Soon enough we were granted permission inside after the person outside checked our ID's.

The inside was cramped but spaced out once we got past the initial bar; it was all brick inside, with the shelves lining with alcohol the same as the club I'd seen Caden working at, except with less space and bottles.

There were small posters of old timey bands, inspirational posters hung up above, red bar seats, newspaper clippings stuck onto the walls like stickers and a chalkboard beside the shelf listing out the types of drinks. The only source of light came from the small white bulb above it.

Everything else was dimmed. We made our way past the people lining at the bar and went up the green painted stairs toward the main little area with wide, brown leather couches and round tables and stools situated cleverly so that the stage right at the end was visible.

Since we had come a little late, most of the seats and tables had been occupied so we took to standing when Paris grabbed my wrist.

"There's Caden and the others," she whispered. I had no time to trail her line of sight because my feet dragged after her.

All the instruments—the drums and the amplifiers—had been set up beforehand and Caden, Trixie, Tristan and Harry were off to the side, relaxing nearby. Caden was dropped into a chair turned around so that he was facing the back, both arms draped lazily over the top. Everyone else was standing. Trixie was the one that spotted us, lifting a hand holding a drink in the air.

"Yo, you guys made it," she said, eyes flickering.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Paris teased, gesturing toward her brother. "Hope you don't mind I brought an extra guest."

"A cute guest," Tristan whistled as he eyed him, making Jordan chuckle.

"Thanks. It's not everyday I get complimented."

Meanwhile, my hands shook as I stared at my phone. The ticks had gone from grey to blue. She had read them. What the heck? My eyes blurred a little and I blinked them away. Today was a good day. I wasn't going to let it get ruined by my best friend who apparently had something against me. Rolling my lips in, I lifted my head just in time to see that Caden had his head turned in my direction.

Our gazes met. He thread his long fingers through his curls, only for them to bounce back.

"When are you guys going up stage?" I heard Jordan ask. I tore my eyes away, cheeks heating at the thought of him seeing me on the verge of tears. That, and I was suffocating in this heat. There were so many people and even though it probably wasn't true, I felt like everyone was staring at me. Judging me.

I caved into myself. Maybe I shouldn't have worn one of the outfits I'd bought with Caden. All the lessons, all the tips had been for nothing. I tugged on Paris' cotton sweater.

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