.Well, that didn't work.

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While Five, went to see his 'girlfriend' in prison, Diego went through a daily therapy lesson at the mental asylum he got himself locked up in

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While Five, went to see his 'girlfriend' in prison, Diego went through a daily therapy lesson at the mental asylum he got himself locked up in.

The patients all sit in a circle, with the doctor, Doctor Moncton. Diego sits next to a sarcastic British girl.

"Thank you, Alan, for bringing that to the group." thanks Doctor Moncton. "I think fear is something we can all relate to. Okay, who else would like to share? Anyone? Come on, who's next? Diego, you've been awfully quiet this morning."

"Just taking it all in, Doc." Diego says, looking around the group. "Letting all the healing shit wash over me."

"Last week you mentioned your father." Doctor Moncton reminds, wanting Diego to open up about his family problems. "How your whole childhood, felt like some kind of experiment."

"It was an experiment." Diego states.

"Hm." hums the doctor. "or did it just feel like an experiment?"

"No, it was literally an experiment." Diego argues back.

"Let's dig deeper. You say your father is a villain." the doctor says, going over his notes.

"Hell, yeah." confirms Diego.

"So you had to play hero." states the doctor. "To make daddy mad."

The woman next to Diego laughs at this.

"I'm a grown-ass man, Doctor Moncton..." Diego grunts

"...Who still defines himself in opposition to his father." answers the doctor. "His dead father. That isn't really defining yourself, is it, Diego?"

"Yeah, why don't you tell that to Luke Skywalker?" answers Diego, sarcastically, earning confused glances from those around him. "I know you don't get it, but that is an excellent reference."

"Humor is good, truth is better." comments Doctor Moncton. "Who is the real Diego?"

"I don't know." mutters Diego, a few tears spilling over. "I guess I've never known. But I'm ready. I'm ready to find out."

"Thank you, Diego." answers Doctor Moncton. The other patients clap for Diego, with only one of them knowing he's full of shit. "Okay, quiet time until lunch."

"You're so full of shit." whispers the mystery girl.

"Tears too much?" Diego whispers back.

"He saw right through it." mystery girl responds.

"No, he totally ate that shit up." Diego answers.

"Bet you three lunch Jell-Os you're wrong." states the girl.

"You're on." Diego states.

"All right." replies the girl.

Diego stands up and walks over to Doctor Moncton, who is talking with one of the nurses. "Dr. Moncton. Hey, you got a sec?"

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