Chapter 25

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May 20th, 1961

Samantha had it all figured out. She would be moving on the 15th of August. Her Grandma had a room picked out for her and described it lovingly in the phone call they had shared. Though Trans-Atlantic phone calls cost a lot of money, Samantha had saved some up to be able to arrange things. She had told her Grandma about her heartache with the situation with George but Eleanor had soothed her anxieties. Samantha was reminded that she wasn't going to be alone in California, that she was going to find herself and face her past. "So you can love yourself and another person, wholeheartedly," her Grandma stated.

Samantha constantly wished for George's presence. Crying on her mother's shoulder sometimes before bed. It was at these times that she was reminded that she was leaving her mother as well. Though Samantha was excited for her college experience, she thought of the longing she would have for her family.

Jim had been spotted more frequently around the Clarke residence once Paul had left. He was feeling lonely without his son around, though he'd never admit it. Mike came around to walk with Samantha and take photographs. He was talented, and took many of her, Maria, and Jim in the living room or garden. He also took many landscape photographs which Samantha enjoyed to look at once they were developed. She asked to keeps some to remind her of Liverpool when she was away.

Mike took many photos of Samantha when she wasn't paying attention, focused on a book, drawing, or talking. Mike found her to be a beautiful subject and had always harbored a very minor crush on her. Though George would probably thump Mike if he knew. But George had asked Mike to send him a couple of photograph's of her doing normal things. He missed her presence and the comfort it brought him while he was away. Mike was the only one who could take pictures of her while he was gone because George knew of no one else who had a camera.

Maria busied herself much more than she usually did in the last couple of months. The looming thought of her daughter leaving was driving her to be a bit depressed. She worked to keep herself occupied and therefore not thinking about Samantha, and the fact that her little girl wouldn't be around the house anymore. That didn't mean that she wasn't extremely proud of Samantha. In fact, she boasted to almost anyone who would listen. Even Mimi boasted, apparently, about her American Niece who was going to a prestigious University in California. Mimi never did mention Samantha's major though, she thought that it was a useless subject to study in such a place of opportunity.

Maria took comfort in Jim more often than not. Inviting him over to fill the quietness while Samantha was away at work. It only reminded her of Samantha's soon departure. Jim kept her talking about many different subjects. He was jolly while around her. He wore a bright smile and sat at the kitchen table while she baked or was in the living room when she cleaned. He offered his help to all the small tasks she did, but Maria always refused. She had to be doing something. As soon as she stopped, reality would catch up with her.

It was a dismal summer day in Liverpool. Grey clouds hung over the town and threatened to rain. People were bundled up in more winter's clothing than summers. And there was an overall melancholy feeling that filled the air. Samantha decided that she wouldn't miss the Liverpool weather one bit when she left. Her and Eden were reclined lazily in Samantha's living room. Samantha was bundled up in a blanket on the couch with a sketchbook in her lap and Frodo laying next to her thigh. She drew the soft lines of Paul's face, sometimes glancing to a photo she had of him for reference. Eden was talking about something or other, not caring whether or not Samantha was listening (which she obviously wasn't). A Billie Holiday record was spinning and both of them were yawning. At one point or another Maria joined them in her armchair with two knitting needles. She was half way through making another afghan for Samantha to take with her to California. The older woman hummed Billie's melodies and Eden quieted to listen to her.

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