Chapter 08

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July 1st, 1958

"No, Paul, I'd rather not," Samantha said as she cleaned up her room. Paul stood leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"C'mon Sammi, it's just a party," Paul pleaded with her as she picked up some of her records off of the floor and gathered them in her arms.

Samantha blew a piece of her bangs out of her face. "Will George be there?"

Paul rolled his eyes. "I dunno, Sam, probably. John's invited him."

"Then no," Samantha stated and returned to cleaning. She placed her records into their sleeves and onto her shelf.

"When are you two gonna get over this?"

Samantha huffed and tossed some of her dirty clothes into her hamper. The rift between George and Samantha had been irritating for everyone, including John; even though it was his fault the rift even existed. Samantha refused to talk to George after Eden had told her what he had done. "I don't know, nor do I care," she said curtly.

Paul stepped into Samantha's room and sat on her nicely made bed. Samantha scowled at him as he lit up a cigarette. She stalked over to him, yanked the cigarette from his lips, and tossed it out of her window. "Hey!" he protested.

"No smoking in my room. I don't like it," She stated and placed her hands on her hips.

"Jesus, Sammi, ye need to relax. Please? It's an all-night party. Plenty of people will be there, ye won't even see George. I promise," Paul said, "Eden's goin'..." he continued in a sing-song voice.

Samantha raised an eyebrow at Paul. It had been a while since she had seen Eden. She had finished school a month ago and went on vacation with her family, Samantha hadn't even realized she was back from her trip. "Fine, I'll go. I'm making no promises about how long I'll stay though."

A large smile spread across Paul's face. He quickly leaned over and pecked her cheek before standing up and rushing down the stairs. "Maria! Ye'll never believe it!" He yelled. Samantha laughed to herself and shook her head. She quickly finished cleaning her room up. She stumbled upon one of George's old drawings of a guitar while clearing off her desk. He had labeled the different parts with arrows and wrote a short description on the side. For a moment she stared at it, her heart aching at the thought of George. It had been a little more than a month since their fight, and though she was angry at him she missed him a lot. Looking back on everything it was silly and she wished to talk to him about it. Unfortunately, they were both pretty stubborn. At the end of it all, Samantha knew they weren't a couple. Neither of them should have been mad at each other.

According to Eden, George had gotten quite drunk at one of John's college art parties and kissed some random girl whom Paul and John said that he had admitted he fancied. This all took place the same day that George and her had shared their 'almost kiss', or at least that's what Samantha thought it was. She had felt extremely betrayed considering she never actually agreed to go on a date with Caleb, but George hadn't given her a chance to explain the situation before he stomped off. She had been pissed at John for a good couple of weeks for bringing up Caleb to George after having realized that Samantha and George may have liked each other. Paul had eventually convinced Samantha to talk to John, who had apologized begrudgingly and brought her flowers. Samantha knew that the flowers had been Eden's idea, there was no way John Lennon had bought her flowers by himself.

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