Chapter 23

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December 31st, 1960

The sound of purring echoed through her ears. Her head also felt a bit warmer than it usually does when one sleeps. Samantha blinked her eyes open and reached up to feel around her pillow. There, wrapped around her head, was her kitten. She chuckled. "Good morning to you, too Mr. Frodo." The cat gave a small meow before Samantha rose and decided to start her day.

As she meandered through her room and the house the cat followed her around diligently. Frodo didn't care much for George anymore. It was now Samantha who fed him and pet him most of the time. He was fully devoted to her. George was only allowed to pet him a couple times before he got up and sat on Samantha's lap.

Samantha was off for her shift in less than an hour. She said goodbye to her mother and gave Frodo a couple of scratches under his chin before slipping on her shoes and stumbling out of the house. Jim was sitting in his chair by the front window as Samantha passed and shot her a smile and wave. When Samantha reached the bus stop she scuffed off her shoes on the steps and dusted the snow off her coat before handing the driver her money. It was a peaceful ride to the chippy, followed by a mellow morning shift.

She doodled on the extra receipt paper and shuffled around the restaurant when needed. Her boss wasn't working so that meant she had some leeway on certain things. At one point, while behind the counter, she began doodling George. His eyes were the first thing to appear on the small bit of paper, followed by his smile, then is somewhat large ears. She bit her lip as she worked, only looking up when the bell on the door rang loud and clear.

George had entered the small restaurant. His hair was dotted with snowflakes that he shook off like a dog before his eyes began trailing around the restaurant in search of her. Samantha folded up the receipt paper and stuck the pen in her hair. When George spotted her his face brightened and he loped quickly over to the counter. "Hiya pretty birdie," he greeted and leaned over the counter.

Samantha rolled her eyes at the nickname but felt her face heat up nonetheless. "Hi, George." Samantha looked around to see if any coworkers were watching before leaning over the counter herself to peck his lips.

George grinned as she pulled away. "Stellar service, I think I might just come back to this place."

"Oh, like you don't show up every time I have a shift?"

George shrugged off his coat. "I haven't a clue what yer on about," he said and sat down on the stool.

Samantha snorted, "Sure."

"How's it been today?" George asked her as he got comfortable on the stool.

"Slower than all hell. I've only had around three customers and hour. But I don't mind, it gives me time to daydream."

George raised his eyebrows at her and shifted to pull a book out of his back pocket. "Yeah? What about?"

Samantha bit her lip. "Well, y'know, things."

"What things?"

"All things."

"That's not vague at all," George scoffed. "Am I a part of said things?"

Samantha chuckled and decided she'd have a bit of fun. "Oh, definitely," she nodded.

George leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table. "Yeah? What things do ye think about me?"

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