Chapter 02

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February 16th, 1957

Samantha sat at her desk with her homework in front of her. She had always been a good student, and it was never hard for her, but the transition from school in California to school in Liverpool had caused her some difficulty. She was behind in every subject except for Math and was now struggling with her History homework. Samantha stared at her paper blankly with her chin resting in her hands.

During the First World War, where in the world was the first shot fired by a soldier in British service?

Samantha groaned. "Mom, can I go over to Paul's?" She called from her bedroom. It was finally finished, her bed now had a frame and her desk was organized. Curtains hung from her window and her record collection sat, alphabetically organized, on a shelf with her turntable. She had put up some posters one of them being a travel poster from San Francisco. This particular poster was surrounded by pictures of her previous life. Some of her and her friends in front of her old high school, others with her mother, one special one of her father. There was also a picture of her father's extended family. Next to her on her desk, unframed, there was a picture of the first day she met her mother's side of the family. She stood with all of her cousins, right next to her was eldest cousin, who wore an impish smile on his face.

Maria Clarke appeared in Samantha's doorway, wiping her hands on a towel and wearing her apron. "Do ye have yer homework done?"

Samantha shook her head. "That's why I want to go to Paul's," she said and scowled at the homework on her desk.

Maria sighed at her daughter, reluctant to let her leave without her homework done. Alas, she decided that the McCartney boy from around the block was good for Samantha. Maria heard stories about Paul each day that Samantha came back from school, Samantha seemed happy having Paul around, and she wasn't going to jeopardize that. Paul was helping Samantha to adjust to life in Liverpool. "Okay, but when ye come back yer homework better be done, missy," Maria said.

Samantha's face lit up. She quickly packed up her bag with school work and followed her mother down the stairs excitedly. As her mother returned to her baking in the kitchen Samantha quickly shrugged on her coat and wrapped her scarf around her neck. "I love you, Mom!" Samantha called as she opened the door. A blast of cold air hit her face and she smiled. The snow was more of a white slush now and she walked down the street with a smile on her face. Paul had made life for her much easier, at home and at school. He was easy to talk to and confide in. He waited for her every day after school to ride the bus home giving her a routine and comfortability. Paul was her best friend.

She trudged down the side of the street to 20 Forthlin Road. When she reached the brick house she popped open the garden gate and up to the red door. As soon as she knocked, the door flung open. She was greeted by a younger boy with a round chubby face. "Hullo, Samantha!" Mike said with the brightest smile he could muster.

"Hi, Mike, is Paul home? Need help with my homework," Samantha said and Paul appeared behind his younger brother.

"Sammi! Thought I heard yer voice," Paul grinned and nudged Mike, who opened the door wider so Samantha could come in. The redheaded girl shuffled into the small entryway and took off her coat, scarf, and shoes as her mother had taught her to do. She hung up her coat and scarf and Paul led her to his room.

"Where's your dad?" Samantha asked on the way up Paul's stairs, Mike followed behind her. As Paul opened his mouth to respond but Mike beat him to it.

"He's workin' today," Mike said.

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