Chapter 3: The Beginning

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Chapter 3


" Why do you look so pale huh? Did that Jerk do something to you?" I asked Build walking in front of me who just got home.

" Don't Call him a Jerk you asshole,  He didn't do something  to me."

" He hurt you but you're still defending him" I muttered in my low voice.

" I heard that!" Build glared at me.

I saw him go into the kitchen and open the fridge to get some cold water. He gulped it slowly letting the water run free to his throat while some drops of spilled water  were dripping into his Adam's apple freely one by one.

What the fuck am I thinking?

I shrugged my thoughts and focused on what am I gonna tell him.

" Anyways, Did you two talk things out?" I asked him but he just stared at me deeply.

" Yeah. He get tired of me that's all"

I find his actions suspicious because he didn't looked at me when he said those words but I really feel that there's something more that he didn't want me to know.

" Really?" I raised my eyebrows, suspiciously looking at his eyes again.

" Of c…course! What could be the reasons?" He stammered when his eyes went wide and his tone suddenly became higher that people's common reactions everytime they lied.

I don't believe you, Jerk!

" Then I'll go first. See ya" I waved at him before leaving.

" Hey! Before you go, can I copy your assignment?" He shouted.

I didn't answer him but I gestured to him saying later. He nodded and went back, finishing his cold water in front of him.

I get back quickly cause he and I are just neighbors that's why I can hang out with him anytime and he does the same too. Our parents and he are so close that's why we became friends since childhood.

It's almost seven o'clock PM. I didn't know hanging out with him makes the time go by faster.

I quickly ran towards the stairs and went to my bedroom and immediately locked the door. I got my towel and took a quick shower to brush all the sticky sweats running in my skin.

While showering, I suddenly started to become curious again on what Build said to me last night. I'm trying to remember the words yesterday but my forgetful self really can't.

What is it again? It's like, I…..Like….what?

"He likes who?" I stopped scrubbing  for a minute before rinsing the soap on my skin and getting out of the bathroom.

I put a towel around my waist and dried my hair with another dry towel. I looked up at my window to see what my friend was doing when he suddenly stripped his pants and sat on his bed.

What is he doing?

I lowered my head where he couldn't see me and peak again. I really didn't mean to pry but his actions make me curious. I know this is illegal and It may get awkward for the both of us but my instinct says that what I'm thinking is right.

I knew it!

I smirked in victory.


It's been an hour since I see Bible's Presence. Usually he bothered me a lot in my free time, especially at lunch time but this time something feels weird. I don't know what's wrong with him, It's like he's avoiding me purposely!

Everytime I wanted to start  a conversation with him he would just make excuses and ignore me to hang out with his other friends. His behavior makes me sometimes jealous, seeing him hang out with another friend of his hurts me.

What exactly is wrong with him?

It's almost dismissed when I saw Bible calling me. I didn't mind him at first but he kept pestering me which made me annoyed so I had no choice but to sneak outside and skip my class.

I successfully left the classroom when he gripped my wrist tightly and suddenly dragged me into an empty room. He locked it's door and we've been silent for a while.

He ignored me earlier and now he's talking to me?

" So why did you drag me here?" I started.

" Well nothing much, I just want to tell you that you're so loud last night that I saw you masturbating." He replied gulping on his water.

" WHAT THE FUCK?!, Where did you see me doing that?!, Do you have a proof??" I curse at him before asking suspiciously.

Is that the reason why he's avoiding me?

" I don't, but when I was studying I saw you in my window! You know that we're neighbors right?" He replied slowly, smirking.

" Can't you at least give me some privacy? It doesn't mean that even though we're friends you're supposed to see that!It's embarrassing, you know!" 

What the hell?! I can't believe he saw me in that state!! I'm so embarrassed that he even saw me last night doing it but he wasn't even shocked and he just told me without hesitation. I know he's always honest, especially to me but he just went overboard this time.

Why can't he just keep it to himself?! Now I don't know how to face him anymore! I can't even look at  his eyes! It's so awkward.

" So what's your deal then?You didn't call me here just to tell me that right?"

" Well actually yes and no. I admit I made you skip your class Just to tell you this but it's really not my point here."

I don't know if it's just me but his voice is kinda serious and I'm afraid what's in his favor this time. I felt a cold shivering on my spine running all throughout my body.

" Then what is it?" I asked curiously, pissed.

" Can you do that again?, I mean masturbating. But this time in front of me"  He asked me in a his dark voice.

I felt goosebumps running all over my skin. My eyes widened when he said those words in front of me. I'm not really sure if he's just kidding or not but the look on his face is so serious that I felt my knees suddenly become weak. Why would he ask me that when he surely knows that I won't agree with him?? Me masturbating in front of him? What the fuck??

Is he insane?

" Are you joking with me huh? Do you think this is funny?Is this some kind of prank? Where's the camera?!" I replied angrily.

" Do you think I'm joking with you?" He said with an unreadable expression.

What the heck?

What makes him think that I'll agree with him?

" You know you're wasting my time with this kind of bullshit. If you're that horny then find someone to hook up with! I'm your friend asshole! How can you say things like this to me?" I left without hearing his explanation.

He followed me, grabbing my shoulder's playing the video of mine pleasuring myself.


" You lied to me!" I shouted angrily, pushing him so hard that he fell onto the ground.


Hey Bubbles!!💙 How's your day?🙆
Anyways…..Feel free to comment and vote if you like this chapter 💙🙌

Stay tuned luvs!<3

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