Chapter 19; Through the lows and to highs, I'll stay by your side

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Chapter 19

" You're such a disgrace for our family!" A stinging slap was heard along the room, together with an incense voice of a middle aged-man.

Build on the other hand didn't budge from his position, enduring the painful slap from his own father. He didn't dare to argue anymore because he knew that in the end, his own family would always blame him for doing so. He bitterly accepts the offensive word that his father throws at him, convincing himself not to cry. All of them, including his mother and sister, just stood beside the old man, with disappointed looks on their faces. It hurts Build pride. The fact that the two of them were having a disgusted look from their faces, made Build aware and disgusted to himself too. He somehow thinks that he really deserves those insults that he's getting. 

" How dare you do this to us?! how dare you embarrass us in front of your principal?" His father asked again. 

But still, Build didn't answer anything.

" Answer me, or do you want me to send you abroad and study there?!"

Build looked up, catching his father's eyes.  He didn't try to utter a single word, despite the condition that his father confessed. He was getting anxiously irritated but at the same time, he thinks that he deserves it. But what about his friends? His favorite places that he always visits? His favorite meal that he craves? Is the food abroad similar to his taste? And last, His boyfriend Ciel. What about him?

" I—I'm sorry father" Build managed to say out, gulping his own saliva from nervousness. " Sorry? You know that apologizing can't solve every problem. You're a grown up and you should've known better!"  

" For god sake! I can't even look into the principal's eye earlier even your mom and I was ashamed because of your disgusting schemes!"

After hearing the statement, Build's eyebrows furrowed. He was pissed and he also didn't like his father's opinion directly.

" Principal?" Build unbelievably chuckled.

 " What about me?Did you ever care about my feelings?! Did you ever care how I've felt after waking up from my sleep, and seeing those random video about mine?" Build bravely admitted, in front of his furious dad. " Did you ever consider my feelings once?! No, You didn't! you always cared about what other people felt instead of mine." Build continues to argue.

Rather than hearing a sincere apology, Build felt an excruciating pain coming from his left cheeks, realizing that his father slapped him again from the second time.

" I didn't teach you to be a brat! I didn't teach you to be a spoiled kid. How dare you throw those words at us, instead of accepting your own mistakes?!"

Build irritatingly rolled his eyes and tears were starting to form from his own look. He knows to himself that he was indeed wrong and Yes, he was ready to accept those mistakes. He wouldn't deny it if you'll ask him. But what hurts him more is that even his own family despises him. He knew, because it was obvious from their gazes ang glances. " Fine!, I admit my mistake and from now on I'll behave like a good child. Happy?" He replied sarcastically. 

But his father wasn't really convinced. Before he can even speak, Build grabs his things leaving from their house with a puffy and reddened nose, like a rudolph from Santa Claus. 

" I will send you abroad this week Build! Whether you like it or not, it's your punishment" His father shouted from behind, but Build didn't have any energy to reply to those conditions. He gets his car keys from his pocket then starts the engine, before driving to his lover's destination.

Maybe I'll sleep there for now. Build thought 


A couple of knocks were heard along the medium size door, several feet away from Ciel. He was sleeping peacefully when he heard the desperate knocks coming from his house. With sleepy eyes, He gets up from the mattress before opening the door to see who disturbed his sleep at midnight.

Seeing the person, his eyes immediately widened in shock, seeing his one and only lover with swollen eyes from its face and the red marks coming from its cheeks. No hint of regrets, Ciel Immediately dragged his boyfriend from his house, before letting Build sit from his couch. 

The younger man's eyes were questioning as to why Build was knocking on his door, with signs of arguments that had just happened between his–family? He was getting uneasy about his boyfriend's behavior as to why Build wasn't trying to open up himself neither utter a single word. In short, Ciel was worried. His eyes were focused along Pete's actions but both of them just stayed in silence, letting the awkward atmosphere swallow them.

" D–do you want to sleep?" Ciel stammered even though his mind was full of questions, he didn't dare to ask further. 

Build silently nodded, burying his face from his lover's shoulder. " Don't you want to ask what happened?" Build replied.

" Will you tell me?" 

A moment of silence was heard through the house, before the two of them snuggled closer from the bed, embracing each other from their arms. 

" Dad and I quarreled earlier "

" Is it about the leaked video?" Build nodded.

" He said that I'm a disgrace to our family and said that I should've known better " Build sniffs, with a tone of voice that is almost cracking.

" It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. Build, don't force yourself baby. I'll wait until you're ready to open up" Ciel replied, kissing one of  Build's knuckles from his hand.

" It's fine, " Ciel nodded, unconvinced.

Build detailedly told the arguments that he and his father had earlier not leaving any single piece of information. He also included the threat that his father told him.

" He's sending you abroad?!" Ciel's tone became higher, and its face was unreadable for Build to comprehend enough. " W–why?, No!  I–I mean that's too much Build I–" Build cuts him off when his lover suddenly pressed their lips together, trying to deepen their abrupt brush of lips from each other's faces.

Slowly, Ciel nibbled his lips gently, biting the older guy's lower lip. Build hissed on the unexpected action. They leisurely parted their lips from each other's faces, before deeply staring at one another's eyes. " Can we not talk about it yet? I'm tired" Build whispered from his lover's lips, making Ciel brighten up his mood.

" Hmmm" He softly hummed, looking at his adorable boyfriend cuddling his chest.

" I promise we'll talk about it tomorrow" 

Both of them laid down from the comfy mattress, attempting to hug each other's body, like a piece of glass that both of them wanted to protect. It was seemingly perfect if you'd describe 


Another CielBuild moment?! Hello my dear readers!! You all missed me? 

(⁠つ⁠✧⁠ω⁠✧⁠)⁠つ Anyways, I know you all are so deprived for a BibleBuild content from this story, But don't worry! Let's all pray in the name of BibleBuild shippers!  hope the author will give them one scene at least 😉

Y'all! The Team is still on Don't worry!! [BibleBuild still have a chance:>>]

⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ ( CielBuild or BibleBuild?) 

hehe (⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠♪)

Stay tuned for the next chapter!!

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