epilogue two - end

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Gabriel was furious when he saw the warning signal that Freyja sent him, since he was in the middle of stripping his new wife naked and enjoyed her taste. But when he heard that Christina was threatening and pointing a gun at his brother, he quickly jumped and wore his pants, and he opened the safe that contained his guns and took out a huge Desert Eagle and slipped it at the back of his pants.

"What's wrong?" Jade asked him, but she knew that something must have happened for her husband to suddenly become so serious.

"Christina is threatening Luca with a gun. Call Akito and let him know about this, although I bet he already does and now he's marching his way to Luca's room." He wore his shirt without buttoning them up and kissed Jade. "You stay here while I take care of this little thing. I'll be back in a minute."

"There's no way in hell I will stay here like an obedient wife, Mister." She also stood up and wore her jeans and tank top, adding a pair of sneakers and tied her hair back. "I'm everything but obedient, and I'm so coming with you." She also took out a Glock from the safe and a knife. Also she took out a couple of marbles from her bag–which made Gabriel eye her with curiosity.

"I'm going to ask you in detail later about why you are carrying marbles in your pocket, and know that I'm dying to find out." He couldn't help but pull her close and give her a scorching hot kiss. "Now let's finish this and get back to our… session. The sooner the better." He offered her his arm, which she took happily. She was very happy that Gabriel didn't ask any question about how she could handle a gun and a knife, and she thought that he must have known since she was from Abe clan–the one with the most target on its back.

"I love you, Gabriel Kudou." She was very happy even though they were going to probably do some damage to her father's hotel, judging the size of the Desert Eagle Gabriel carried.

"I love you more, Akira Kudou." Gabriel grinned as he kissed her again and then got into the elevator to one level below them to where Luca stayed. "And later I want you to get naked with nothing but the gun. And the marbles." He grinned while Jade only smirked in retaliation.

"Yes, Master."

"Who is it, Luca?" Christina panicked when she heard the loud knocking on Luca's door and someone called his name.

"Oh, that's probably one of the husbands of the women I slept with? I don't know. Do I look like I have a fucking eye in front of the door?" Luca shrugged in a mocking tone.

"Don't be a wise ass. You're just an ass, go and see who it is or I'll shoot your dick so that you can't use it anymore."

Luca feigned a horror look on his face as he raised one of his hands to a surrender gesture while the other hand made a protective shield in front of his manhood.

"At your service, Madam Princess." He still spoke in a mocking tone that was grating in Christina's nerves.

She hated Luca's sneering remarks, and although she was smart enough to understand the underlying mocking tone, she always felt that there's gotta be some inside joke here that she didn't understand.

The jokes of the rich and powerful people.

And she hated that no matter how good her English was, she was still translating all the conversation and stuff she read automatically into her father's tongue.

Forget her mother, because she was a lying, cheating bitch who slept with anyone remotely smelling of money and then sprouted out kids like weed to bind them to her.

Just like herself.

Unfortunately her father didn't care that she existed or not, so she bore the brunt of her mother's anger and resentment, until one day her mother just disappeared and left her in a ditch.

Dangerous Liaison 🔞 (Femme Fatale#1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang