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Nonna was drowned in her own thoughts before she noticed that Adrianna had been gone for a long time. And it seemed that the bodyguards noticed it too, since one of them walked to the direction of the ladies' room and the other kept an eye on her. As if she was going to run away the moment he looked away from her.

She already knew that it was her fault that she didn't warn Adrianna before she came over. But she was also surprised to see her there at that time of the day because she was never home unless it was the day of Gabriel's visit. She didn't know that Adrianna would just barge in, as she never did something like that before.

She wished that she was more stern in educating her.

But at that time, she was still mourning over her children's passing. And the shock of being beaten up within an inch of her life and watched her granddaughter was about to get raped in front of her eyes took a heavy toll on her.

She retreated into her own shell–by focusing all her energy to cook and develop the recipe she had–to please Gabriel, to let him know that his effort to help them was not in vain. And in the process, somehow she lost Adrianna, the only thing that her son had left her with.

Adrianna was actually a bright and beautiful girl, with the thick Gypsy blood within her veins that caused her to be very impulsive–which had always led her to troubles.

When her father–whom she loved so much–died, she was like losing her anchor, her reason to live. Her mother never took care of her, unlike her father–who was a sweet and soft-spoken man–and a genius patissier. He could make anything from flour, egg, cream, chocolate, vanilla bean, and rum, and his creations were sought after by rich and famous people.

And Adrianna inherited his talent.

She was a very talented patissier with minimal training, and yet, she could produce extraordinary results.

Adrianna had won her first baking competition by the time she was thirteen, and the trouble had yet found her family. By the time she was fifteen, everything had crumbled around her because of her father's infidelity and her mother's betrayal that caused her father and his sister to be murdered in cold blooded.

Then, along came Gabriel.

He was the one who gave Adrianna a hope, a light in the dark, and he treated her–and Nonna–well.

Shame, she became infatuated with the man and didn't realize that he only felt some kind of responsibility for both of the women. Adrianna then became too focused in chasing Gabriel and neglected the bakery part of the Moretti's. If only she worked hard and produced results, maybe, just maybe, Gabriel would finally pay a little attention to her.

But that was just Nonna's wishful thinking, because Gabriel had gone out with many rich and famous people and yet, he wasn't moved by any one of them–until Jade. And she knew when she saw them together, that there would be no place for her Adrianna–or anyone else–in Gabriel's heart.

She then saw that the guard who checked on Adrianna came over in a hurry with his phone in his hand, and he gestured to the guard who stood in front of Nonna to look around. And then she just knew that Adrianna had done something worse this time, and she didn't know if she could ever fix it ever again.

Adrianna followed the woman in all black and they entered an inconspicuous apartment in the middle of the crowded city.

She knew that although the apartment looked plain, the location alone should cost the owner a pretty penny. And the decoration inside, although looked ordinary, she could see that it was made by a master craftsman.

Then she saw him.

The beautiful Japanese man who sat against the light from the huge French windows, and looked at her with such an interest. She knew right away that this man was Gabriel's cousin–the infamous Kyosuke Kudou.

She knew, because she knew everything about Gabriel like an obsessive stalker. And this cousin… Well, let's just say that their relationship was like oil and water with Kyosuke being envious of whatever Gabriel had.

The woman sat her in front of him and she retreated to the back room.

"Adrianna Rosseau, it's a pleasure." Kyosuke waved at her to sit. "Relax, I'm going to help you to make Gabriel yours." He smiled as he said the words without preamble. Kyosuke didn't believe in talking around the topic so he just went straight to the point. He knew that this girl was smart enough to think for herself, but dumb and blind enough for him to steer her toward the direction that he wanted her to go.

"What's in it for you?" Adrianna knew that nothing was free in this world, and she found it out in a hard way.

Except for Gabriel.

Gabriel always gave them everything and he never once asked for anything in return. That's why she just wanted to make him happy and serve him forever. But then the slutty bitch came and ruined her plan to seduce Gabriel. She was supposed to be his next conquest and she would keep him with her forever. She wondered what Gabriel had seen in the bitch to make him become all lovey dovey like that.

The Gabriel she knew never acted like that.

He was stern and strong and cold and unyielding. And also very commanding. Now he looked like a putty and was eating out of the slut's hand. Disgusting.

"Well, I want his woman, so I guess it's fitting then. When you get him, obviously I will get her." Kyosuke smiled at Adrianna and she shivered from the intensity of the smile.

"Why? She's just a slut who fucked every known male alive, and they bragged about sleeping with her." Adrianna spouted her hatred toward the woman. She knew that it was some kind of jealousy, with Akira Moreau being super beautiful, super rich, super famous, and now she had Gabriel by her side. It wasn't fair at all the way she had everything and everyone under her thumb like she was some kind of a queen. She only wanted Gabriel and no one else, while the slut could have anyone she wanted. So why? Why did she take him away from her?

"That's none of your business." Kyosuke lit up a cigarette and blew the smoke to Adrianna's face until she coughed. "So. Do you agree? If yes, I will tell you how to win Gabriel's heart and get rid of Akira at once."

She knew that this was the only chance–the last chance–to win Gabriel's heart, and she didn't hesitate when she nodded at Kyosuke's offer. And when she did, Kyosuke stood up and gestured to her to follow him to the room where the woman who took her from the airport disappeared.

"What I'm about to show you is a secret that only I–and Aki here–know." He opened the door and Adrianna saw a little girl around two years old was standing inside a cot and babbling incoherently.

She was very surprised because the girl was obviously of mixed blood and she looked exactly like Gabriel.

"She's…" She was speechless by the toothy grin and a smile that would break many men's hearts in about ten years.

"Yes." Kyosuke smiled. "But no one knows about her." He took the baby into his embrace and kissed her drooly cheek and made her giggle. "So, how about you tell Ms. Moreau about this sweet little pumpkin pie, and see if she still wants to be with Gabriel after his… little indiscretion."

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