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They arrived at Moretti's not long after, and Gabriel was shown to his usual corner table, and without asking for what they're going to order, the waiter brought out a carafe of red wine.

He was followed by Nonna, who was surprised to see Gabriel who came with a woman–Akira Moreau of all people. But she quickly smiled at them, and hoped that her granddaughter wouldn't see them. She knew that her granddaughter had a massive crush on Gabriel ever since he moved them here, and as much as she told her that it's impossible, she was very adamant. Even changed her hair color to honey blonde and wore skimpy clothes to attract Gabriel's attention–which he never gave.

"Gabriel, Jade, what a surprise!" She kissed them both on their cheeks. She loved Jade because she was humble and down-to-earth, unlike what those magazines described her as. And she was extraordinarily beautiful and genuine. In fact, Nonna was happy when she saw how they looked at each other with such love and adoration in their eyes.

Jade looked at him in surprise, because she didn't think that Gabriel would've known this place. Back at the yacht when she rambled about this place, he just smiled and nodded, indulging her.

"So, I see that you know each other." She looked at both of them and their entangled hands.

"Nonna, I know that you know Jade here, she raved about the food in this place all the time." Gabriel chuckled as Jade pinched his waist.

The intimate gesture didn't escape Nonna's eyes and she smiled.

"Why, yes, Jade here has been our client for many years."

Gabriel looked satisfied and smug, and then he kissed the back of her hand lightly before pulling her even closer to him and kissed her temple.

"Well, Nonna, she is my partner starting today. In business  and everything. So in the future, please treat her like you treat me."

Now Nonna was very surprised.

As far as she knew, Gabriel never took any woman here, and he was not the type to show off his strings of one night stands. But now he openly declared that Akira Moreau was his partner in business and… love?

She was speechless for a few seconds, but quickly regained her senses. It was not her place to say anything because as much as Gabriel had helped her, and however close they might have seemed, she knew that Gabriel was not someone to cross. And the most important thing was, she had to warn Adrianna not to say or do something rash.

That hot-headed kid.

Didn't she realize that she was trying to reach for the impossible? No matter how nice Gabriel looked, he was definitely not the one for her.

But it's funny how youngsters nowadays seem to think that they're invincible and entitled. Especially since Gabriel had always been nice to them and helped them whenever he could. But she saw how he treated those who betrayed him and it was not a sight for the weak heart.

Maybe she should've told Adrianna about the reason why Gabriel treated them nicely like that, but she dreaded the consequences of the truth being outed. And who knew how Adrianna would react if she knew the truth.

Unfortunately, it seemed that her beat of silence was noticed by Gabriel, as his eyes gradually turned hard.

"Nonna, you do realize that I don't need anyone's approval to choose my own partner, right?" He casually spoke with the light tone but Nonna could hear the underlined threat that he gave, and right away she knew that he also meant the words for Adrianna.

"No, of course not Gabriel, I won't dare to oppose your decision, because I know that you always know the best." She quickly bowed in respect to him, and the action caused Jade to quirk her brow in question.

"Please don't tell me that you also own this establishment." She groaned and pinched him lightly to try to defuse the tension she felt in the air. And it seemed to work since Gabriel looked at her and smiled before kissing her softly.

"Then I won't." He chuckled when he saw her face, and he couldn't help but pinched her cheek.

"Keep doing that and I will…"

"Gabriel! Why don't you tell me that you… came…" Suddenly a woman with bottled honey blonde hair bursted in and approached them with a smile on her face, which faltered when she saw Jade.

She was in her mid twenties–same as Bianca–but she looked older from all the makeup, the way she dressed and the bad dye job. Her boobs were huge and she wore a very tight dress that left nothing to imagination, but Gabriel did not even notice her. Instead, he pulled Jade closer and kissed her cheek.

"Baby, this is Nonna's granddaughter, Adrianna." Then he looked at Adrianna and nodded politely.

"Hello, Adrianna, my name is Jade." She nodded politely at the woman, but then she glared at her. Then Adrianna looked at Gabriel with an obvious hurt in her eyes, and before Nonna could prevent her from talking too much, she already pointed her finger at Jade and started to speak loudly.

"Why are you hooking up with a bitch like her? Don't you know that she's a public slut? She fucks everyone who has dicks and she flaunts the fact that she does, everywhere! Just look at her Den of Sins!! Why are you so blind, Gabriel? Can't you see that I have been waiting for you all this time? She's not even blonde and I even changed my hair color for you, and dressed according to your liking!" She slammed the table in front of them in frustration and Gabriel was about to say something when Jade stopped him.

He looked at her in question, but she only smiled at him and then she snapped her fingers to attract Adrianna's attention.

"I'm sorry that you feel the need to change yourself to attract anyone's attention." She spoke with a calm voice. "But that doesn't justify the nonsense you have spouted from your mouth just because you have read your weekly gossip magazines. If I'm just a little bit more bitchier than you accused me of, I will sue your ass for defamation right here right now." Jade gave Adrianna a cold smile and she continued. "And it's Billionaire Bitch. That's right, I have more money than God, and I can even buy this restaurant and its owner, anytime I want just like that." She snapped her fingers and Gabriel instantly had a hard on.

"Nonsense! Gabriel won't let you buy him! Right, Gabriel?" She turned to Gabriel for confirmation, but Gabriel didn't even give her a glance.

"Right." Adrianna smirked when she heard Gabriel's response. She knew that Gabriel was not serious about this slutty bitch.

"You don't have to buy it because I will give it to you if you want. Even myself." And her smile faltered because of what Gabriel had said.

"Aww, baby, that's so sweet." Jade turned to kiss him. "But you know I have the money to buy this whole place and some. And maybe you." She smirked at Adrianna who looked like she was about to throw something to her.

"I know you do, but I want to give you anything and everything you want. Including myself." He pulled her close and Nonna knew that this situation was getting out of hand with Adrianna being very difficult. So she grabbed Adrianna's hand and pulled her back to stop her.

But before she could say anything, Gabriel spoke to her in a cold tone.

"Nonna. I think you and Adrianna could use some vacation back in Italy for some time." He gestured to Hanzo who looked at the whole amusing scene with Daisuke by his side, and he almost choked when Jade said that she's the Billionaire Bitch. He respected her for owning the title and turned it around to slap Adrianna on her face. That girl was always a little bit cuckoo in her head, maybe it's her Italian temper, but he didn't like it. She was so ungrateful that way, seeing that Gabriel had saved her and her grandmother and even gave them a business to run.

"Hanzo, arrange a one way ticket to Italy for Nonna and Adrianna and inform our office there. Place them in Moretti's Italy and do the usual."

Jade was surprised to hear the command, but she didn't say anything. It's not her business anyway. Then she looked at the two women, where the older looked like she was about to cry, and the younger was spouting expletives to her in Italian.

She thought that Jade didn't understand her, but Jade was actually proficient in seven languages and she only smiled as she replied in fluent Italian.

"Buon viaggio, Adrianna." Jade waved at her and she almost threw the flower pot at her if Daisuke didn't interfere.

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