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"So, are you still sure that you want to be with me?" Jade asked Gabriel when things had settled down and they enjoyed their red wine. "This is going to be a repetitive occasion, and I don't want you to feel burdened by my bad reputation."

She tried to act casual, but Gabriel could see the slight tremor in her hand, and he knew that she was actually upset by the harsh words from Adrianna. And at that time, he knew right away that he wanted to protect her from all the harshness and all the Adriannas of the world.

He put his glass down and took hers away too.

"Come here." He gestured to her to come closer and put her head on his shoulder and he gave her a bear hug. "Don't tou ever ask me stupid things like that ever again." He kissed her hair softly.  "I have heard about you and your… adventures, since a long time ago. But when I met you, I knew that you were not the person that they said you were." He then cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. "I also know that this may be too fast, but I want you to know that I… I am in love with you." He gazed into her green eyes and he could see the surprise there.

"W-what? Beau…" She suddenly felt the tears threaten to come out of her eyes and she squeezed him tight in disbelief. She knew he liked her, but love? Wasn't that too fast? Well, she did feel that she liked him more than she should and she really felt that she could naturally love him.

"You don't have to say it to me now, I am satisfied with you agreeing to move in with me." He tilted her chin up so that he could see her beautiful green eyes more clearly. "I'm sure I can make you fall in love with me in no time."

"Oh baby…" She nuzzled into his embrace. "Thank you."

"Well, we still have the contract to sign, and I would like to add a few more clauses in it." His voice suddenly turned serious.

"Such as?" Jade couldn't help but smile.

"Such as, we should have our wedding in one year's time. That should be sufficient time for you to plan whatever you want."

Jade went still for the second time. Then she pushed Gabriel away to see if he was joking. Or not. 

Gabriel looked so serious and in love, and it kinda scared her and excited her at the same time.

"You're fucking serious, aren't ya?" She looked at him seriously and sighed then she put her head on his shoulder. "You're always moving so fast, even I can't comprehend how you do it."

"Why do you think that I can be one of the richest and most powerful people in the world in just ten years?" He chuckled and touched her face softly. "Not only because I'm handsome, but because I know what I want and I will do anything to get it. Just like I want you in my life. Forever."

"Nice to know that you are so humble, Mister." She couldn't help but laugh, but Gabriel pulled her close and forced her to face him.

"I'm serious, Akira Jade Moreau." He then went down on one knee. "This is going a bit different than what I've planned, but, will you marry me, and be my partner in business, in love, in life, in everything? Partner, because I want you to stand equal beside me, and be my everything. Not only my wife, or my lover, but my partner." He offered his open palm to her and there's a beautiful, simple ring from the Jade Limited Edition collection, a simple twisted white and gold band with a brilliant green jade that she knew must be directly from Akito since she never saw that one before.

"Oh my god, this is so beautiful." She took the ring but Gabriel took her hand first.

"Say yes first." He looked so determined and she melted. She knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, so she nodded–with tears started to fall on her face–and suddenly a quartet of string players came out and Daisuke brought a huge bouquet of red roses and gave it to Gabriel.

"Daisuke, you're in this too?" She squeaked from all the emotion she felt, and Daisuke only smiled. 

"It's your brother's plan." Gabriel slid the ring into her ring finger. "When I paid him the fifty mil, he sent me this ring and Daisuke slipped it to me just before our meeting." He pulled her close and kissed her. "He told me everything and then some. He also said that if I'm willing to pay fifty mil for one night with you, then it must be love after all." He chuckled remembering the short phone call with Akito on his way to meet Jade. 

That man was a very smart and cunning businessman, but he loved his sister the most, and Gabriel could hear the underlying threat that he didn't say that he would kill him if he dared treat her less than perfect.

Well, he already planned to do that anyway, but he planned to propose after they signed the contract–not before–but as usual, nothing went as planned. Including how he could fall in love with this extraordinary woman.

"Oh god, I think I'm gonna faint." She was feeling very overwhelmed by how fast everything moved, but it's not unlike she didn't expect all of this. But this was actually the definition of lightning fast, and yet somehow she realized that she... wanted it.

"Don't faint baby, just kiss me and say yes. We can have a long engagement if you want, but I want you to be my fiance other than my partner."

"Because a girlfriend is so overrated?" She couldn't help but laugh.

"Because a girlfriend is so overrated." Gabriel spinned her around and tilted her back. "And because I don't want a mere girlfriend. You are so much more to me than just a girlfriend. You're my soulmate, my other half, my everything. And I mean everything I said." 

Jade finally relented as she kissed him and whispered, 'Yes' to him. And Gabriel lifted her up and hugged her tight.

"And she says yes!"

There were cheers and claps everywhere and there was also the sound of champagne's cork popping out, and both of them were given a glass full of champagne, then all the food started to come out in plenty.

"Everyone, everything is on me today, to celebrate this moment that this beautiful and extraordinary woman finally agreed to become mine." Gabriel kissed Jade fully in her mouth and they continued on and on and on until finally everyone cheered and gave them wolf whistles.

"We should stop now, otherwise I can't be held responsible for what I'm about to do." Gabriel squeezed her butt and she moaned, but they finally separated although flustered and horny as hell.

"I agree. And I am starving. You make me feel like I was just dropped from a five story building and then catapulted again to the point where I was dropped." She groaned as she took the lasagna and started to scoff it down with gusto.

"I really love to see you eat." Gabriel laughed as he took the plate of osso bucco and started to eat it.

"Mm, and I would love to eat you. Later." She winked as she started to tease Gabriel. A revenge for all the surprise he gave her.

Gabriel stopped eating and he looked at her with the fire in his eyes.

"Finish your meal quickly, before I do something that gives these people here the gossip of the century." He growled and Jade laughed.

"Well, fiance, you just have to be patient and wait for me to finish all this. After all you've put me through? You're lucky that I'm still here, eating your food." She purposely opened her mouth wide and took a huge bite of the lasagna and licked the fork with an exaggerated move.

And Gabriel snapped.

"I'm taking you home. Now." He growled as he pulled her away from the table and half carried her outside. "Wrap them all up and deliver them to my place." He gave the order to Hanzo and Daisuke, who nodded and rolled their eyes in amusement.

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