"First things first." He told her, "You might want to take that off," He gestured to her extra shirt. Sky looked down the back at him. He wants me to take off my shirt?

"Why?" She asked him giving him a sceptical look.

"Because, it will be easier for you to move around in fewer layers." Dustin said as if she were stupid.

Sky though about it for another second before undoing the laces at the top of the shirt. She paused realising where she was; they were a few more men on the deck now and the sun had come up completely. She looked up at Dustin and scowled. He rolled his eyes and turned away from her. Feeling slightly less worried that the pirate would look at her, she pulled her extra shirt over her head.

"Alright," She said not knowing why she felt so self-conscious. She had spent a week on the Brig surrounded by men and hadn't feel like her body was on display. But then again, none of them knew she had a woman's body.

"You know I'm going to see you anyway right?" He asked her just as Thomas came up the stairs.

Sky didn't reply and instead greeted Thomas.

"Morn'n Lass," He said in return and looked to his captain. "Did you want us to start now?" Dustin nodded and Sky looked between them still wondering what held their friendship. "Great." Thomas smiled.

Sky followed him down to the main deck. They stood just below the poop deck as the space was slightly wider there and it had been cleared away for give them space. Thomas stopped them in the middle of the area and told her to stand still. Sky did, keen to learn.

"The Cap'n wants you to know some hand to hand combat first." Thomas told her grinning at the pirates that sat on the railing to watch them. Sky felt uneasy at having an audience but pushed it to the back of her mind.

Thomas inspected her stance and shook his head. Sky changed her positioning, bending her knees a little and placing her feet wider apart. She looked up at Thomas and saw him smiled in approval.

"You're small so defense is you best option," He started saying as he walked around her, "Though your size also means you can move fast. Most of the people you will come up against will be taller than you." Sky didn't like that but that's what happens when you're a woman in a man's world.

"Can you punch?" Thomas asked and Sky grinned. She could punch alright. Thomas asked her to give him a demonstration and smiled when she did it perfectly. "Good. But you will need to size up your opponent to estimate how much power to put into the punch. You don't wasn't to use up all your energy, or hurt yourself." He told her and Sky nodded.  For the side he grabbed one of the pirates who was watching. And put him in front of Sky.

Sky started at him then at Thomas. Did he expect her to hit him?

"Go on Lass," Thomas grinned and some of the pirates laughed including the one before her, "Size him up and give him a punch that'll knock 'im down." Panic rose in her.

They want me to knock him down?! She scanned the amused faces around her and looked up to the poop deck. The Captain was watching her carefully. He gave her a shrug and his cat-like grin as if he was saying he could do nothing about her position. Sky squared her jaw and turned back to the pirate.

He was taller than her by about a foot and had broad shoulders. He was smiling a yellowish grin and Sky noticed that he had a slight decline in his right shoulder as if his posture was slumped. Or, Sky thought, He's injured. She thought about it for a second then moved closer to him. He smelt like grime and rum and Sky had to breathe through her mouth. When she came closer the other pirates began whooping and yelling.

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