Rajveer Pratap's Pov

Today is just one of the day where i miss you terribly and want to talk to you.
Every cell, every atom in my body misses you terribly.
Twelve days without my love.
It is breaking my heart and is destroying me so much.
From two days i am trying to locate Riya.

One thousand percent of my instincts say that she is the one who took my Ruhanika.
She is just a jealous person trying to do anything for her and my relationship.
Even though i have clarified her so nicely that we have no connection, she won't just fckn understand.
Note the sarcasm.

"Rocky search for her previous family house, It is located somewhere on the outskirts. She most probably thinks i might have forgotten about that house" I suddenly remembered about the house which riya have over the outskirts of Jodhpur, From watching the news on that locality coincidentally I thought about the house.

"It has to be that house! I know so" Banging my fists on the table , Rocky suddenly started operating the laptop and vishesh ryan started locating old houses in map .
"I know bro how much you love Ruhanika, but you have to wait and calm yourself down, you haven't slept and forget about food. This much off stress is not good. Please just sleep for some time" Hardik said and i sighed and smiled.

"I know hardik, but I can't do anything properly knowing that my love is out there , being abused,being starved or god knows what she is going through. After so long i have felt something for someone and its universe who is always pulling me away from happiness." Sighing i placed my head in my hands and sudden chair scratching sound made me look up.
Vishesh and Ryan high fived each other.

"We found her Bro! We found her. Your thoughts were right" Vishesh said and i threw my hands up in the air.
"Get the guns ready, we have some bi*ches to murder" Five of us evilly smirked and then proceeded to leave to warehouse.

"Prepare B,D group. We are leaving in ten minutes"Rocky nodded and i breathed a sigh of relief.
Four of us got into cars and then speeded off to old house.
Riya have mentioned about her old family house to me and i knew it wasn't clicked to her about me knowing.

The drive towards the area was not at much of distance, reaching the house in twenty minutes, me and my people stopped our cars few yards away.
Three of my friends were out there covering the house with some distance and they signalled me to move.

Getting the gun out of my holster , I barged into the old dusky wooden framed house with black tinted windows.
The lawn was disheveled with looming flowers and dead grass.
There was a bad aura radiating off the house , I took a deep scanning and my members started scanning the house.
"Terrace clear"
"Bottom clear"
"Middle section clear"

I punched the wall and looked down at the floor.
There was a creaking sound and then it clicked me .
The secret room.
I signalled everyone to be quiet and they back up and I pointed the floor downtown.

Slowly taking my steps , I saw a little stair and they understood.
They threw a light stone and fck my ears.
"Owww ! Stopp! No dont kill me"
Yes definitely Riya.
I rushed down to the stairs and was then met with the sight which i never wanted to look.
"Drop your weapon or she dies"
Her own mother held Ruhanika and riya was pressing the gun against her forehead.

"I am giving you one minute, you give her to me and i might consider for you to live" I said and joined my hands.
Her mother looked frightened but gritted her teeth and held her more tightly.
"I fckn dare you to hurt her one more time"
My love, my everything was up there looking so fragile.
Having cuts, bruises, Swollen eyes.
Lips bleeding and scratches.
My heart aches for her.
If i just could take her pain into my self i will do it without any hesitation.

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