CHAPTER [20] - Home? Where I belong.

Start from the beginning

"I lost my appetite." Damsel said.

Darren frowned, turning back around to start the car; Damsel kept his gaze outside the window, and his body slightly shifted away.

Samuel kept his mouth shut at the awkward atmosphere.

Darren did try to ignore Damsel, he tried to act nonchalant aswell, but his gaze kept falling back onto Damsel's profile no matter what. That was how the car ride continued, at this point, Darren had decided that as long as Damsel said something, he would let the situation go; but.. Damsel was not saying anything.

Fuck, just say something and I'll forgive you.

Darren waited, and waited; and currently, he was at the end of his wit. He seemed to be going through the 3 stages of boyfriends after a fight.

".. I don't understand why you're being like this." Darren scoffed,

He couldn't hold back anymore.

 "Why the fuck are you acting all moody when you went off on your own, knowing damn well it was dangerous?"

Damsel still faced the other way. A sense of panic washed over him, Darren was at a loss on what to do. He was even pondering if he should just apologize and ask for forgiveness; but his sense of reason and weak heart were fighting one another in his head; "I was worried that something happened, and it's not making it any better that there's a possibility of danger at every corner,"

He decided on reasoning, but his trembling voice was evident; his tone had softened by a mile since the first confrontation.

Why was he even nervous? Why did he care if Damsel wasn't talking?

"Do you have to spit in my face and grab me by the collar to tell me that?" 

He spoke!

The words he was ready to argue out sunk back in at Damsel's words, he got a gist of what Damsel was saying. 

You could talk properly, did you need to grab me?

"I was scared,"

"Then tell me properly." He added, "I won't go off on my own again."

"I'm sorry."

"I get it, I don't like it when you do anything physical, though. I'm aware I can fight back, but I don't want to do that nor make physical fights a norm anymore, especially not for such issues."

Samuel stayed quiet in the back, he glanced between the two; his brother and Damsel acting so.. reasonable towards eachother gave him a fright? He felt like he missed out on multiple chapters?

"I won't do it again."

The two had reached and agreement, Damsel unhooked the seatbelt to move to the back, squeezing past the seats and into the backseat next to Samuel, "Bon Appetitie."

Samuel just wondered how the atmosphere changed so fast; like simply in a flash after one conversation.

"What happened to losing your appetite?"

"Yeah, I got my appetitte back without being next to you."

"Don't finish it all without me, fuck,"

"Just continue driving, " Damsel waved him off, opening the box to reveal a large pizza; already cut up. "Samuel, let's split this 50/50."

Sam didn't nod, somehow, a thought flashed by; Was this Damsel's way of making his brother come eat?

Damsel was so kind.

Samuel blushed as he stared at him.

"You piece of shit." Darren remarked before he pulled the car to the side, parking the car at the side of the highway. Damsel scrunched up his nose as he saw Darren trying to squeeze into the backseat aswell, 

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