Letter 02: Safehaven Sister

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Dear Karone,

I wish you were here. I wish you could hear me. No one can hear me anymore.

It's so lonely. I still exist! I'm still here! I just want to grab everyone, anyone by the shoulders and scream "Listen to me! I'm here! I'm here!" but I can't. I don't think they mean to, but they talk around me, over me, through me, like I'm not here. But I am.

I wish I could talk to anyone, but it probably wouldn't be much use. No one can understand my pain. The earthen Rangers, they're well meaning, but they're all wrapped up in their complete little families and their pretty little lives, they could never understand me. None of them have lost like I have.

And Zhane. You remember Zhane, don't you? I don't even know what I'd say to him. If he knew the truth about what happened to you, he would never look at me the same way again, he would expect me to be broken—and he'd treat me like it, too. I don't want to be treated like I'm broken. When Darkonda killed you he broke me into a million pieces and used his heel to crush the shards, but I'm still here. I'm still alive, and doesn't that count for something?

I don't want to be broken, Karone. You understand that, right?

I'm sure you do.

I just want to be whole. And I want you there beside me.

I'm so lonely.


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