Interlude 01: His Screams

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123 Days Ago. Somewhere.

Andros hung uncomfortably in the middle of the lightness room, his feet brushing the ground as he struggled to move.

He had to get out of here, he had to, before Darkonda came back—or else, he feared, he wouldn't make it out of here...

It was so, so dark in the room, Andros could hardly bear it. He wasn't afraid of the dark, no, because he knew there were worse things to fear than the dark—it was Darkonda he feared. The darkness just made him feel weaker than he already was.

He had been a fool to jump on Darkonda back at Onyx that way. He had let his emotions get the better of him, and look where that had got him. This was no way to avenge Karone—getting himself killed wouldn't help anyone.

The thick, heavy door to the room slowly opened, screeching loudly on the metal floor and flooding light into the room. Andros tried to turn away, but the chains around his bare ankles prevented much movement.

"Hello, red Ranger," Darkonda taunted with a grin in his voice, silhouetted against the light of the door. "glad to see you're still hanging around."

"Oh, shut up, Darkonda." Andros spat back, thrashing harshly against the chains.

Darkonda stepped into the room, brandishing something Andros couldn't quite make out. It wasn't a sword...

"You play," Darkonda laughed, pulling the thing tight. "but you won't be mouthing off to me soon!"

Darkonda shut the door behind him, the darkness returning. Then, there was a click, and everything was all, too, bright.

Darkonda stood in front of Andros, holding what looked like a strange cord, the grin on his face threatening enough Andros could already feel the pain.

"And just what are you going to do?" Andros asked, thrashing again angrily. "Torture me?"

"It might not be the most original idea," Darkonda admitted confidently. "but that won't matter to you."

And then, still brandishing the strange rope, Darkonda strutted happily behind him, out of view.

Unable to see his captor, the muscles in Andros's back clenched, acutely aware that Darkonda had taken his shirt. He gritted his teeth and prepared for the worst.

It came.

"AAAHHH!" Andros screamed involuntarily, the searing, acidic blast of pain exploding on his back. "AAHH...! Ahh...!"

Darkonda smiled as Andros caught his breath. "You like that, red Ranger? I thought you would."

"What- what- what- what was-" Andros huffed, thrashing with all his might. "What was that?!"

"It's called a whip!" Darkonda gushed, a wide, cruel smile obvious in his voice. "A cat o' nine tails, specifically! It's an Earth torture device I stumbled upon, I coated it in a special acid as well. Isn't kitty wonderful?"

"Y-you're sick, Darkonda." Andros growled. "Only you could be this happy inflicting suffering."

"Whatever you say, pretty boy." Darkonda smiled.

And then came another lash. And another, and another.


Andros's screams ricocheted off the walls, dancing around the room and spinning around his own ears, until he could hear nothing but his own screams, his own weakness and pain. It was deafening.

After what felt like millennia, Darkonda walked back into view, smiling as he let the chains release Andros, dropping the prisoner onto the floor with a thump.

"Alright, Ranger, next I-"

"W-why are you doing this to me?" Andros asked weakly. "Why did you kill my sister? Why...? Why do you hurt people?"

"Because screams of pain and fear amuse me!" Darkonda laughed, putting heavy chains around Andros's ankles, wrists, and neck as Andros was helpless to stop it. "There's nothing I love more than suffering and mayhem!"

"I hate you," Andros whimpered angrily. "I'm going to end you for what you did to her...!"

"Uh-huh, okay," Darkonda laughed, yanking Andros's neck chain. "come with me!"

Andros cursed at himself under his breath for his being so weak as Darkonda lead him down the hall. Darkonda stopped suddenly, grabbing a rag and a bucket of water and handing them to Andros.

"The floor is filthy," Darkonda sneered. "get cleaning."

"I hate you," Andros said again, not taking the items.

Darkonda set them by Andros's feet and grinned. "I'm going on a supply run," Darkonda said. "and if the floor isn't shining by the time I get back you'll get the kitty again."

"The kitty?" Andros asked.

"The acid whip, idiot." Darkonda growled, walking away. "Ta-ta, red Ranger! Happy cleaning!"

The door shut behind him, the lock clicking loudly. Andros sighed. He picked up the rag and began to scrub the grimy floor.

He was going to escape, but now was not the time—now was time to plan. Now was time to survive.

A low growl of fury escaped Andros's throat as he thought of his sister's fate. He would have his revenge on Darkonda. He would get even.

Just not today. And, the way his luck was going, probably not tomorrow.

The Silence is Deafening: a PRiS NovelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant