Letter 03: No Rest For the Fearful

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Dear Karone,

I still can't morph, but Astronema sent down a monster yesterday. I had to sit back and watch like a helpless kid while the other Rangers fought it. But, that's not what I'm upset about tonight.

Darkonda was hassling a bunch of civilians in the park today. I tried to go down and fight him, but Zhane practically tied me to my chair to keep me in the Megaship. I watched them fight him.

Darkonda was trying to lure me out of the Megaship, Karone.

He kept talking about how weak I was for not even showing up to fight him, like he knew I was watching the fight. He wants me back in chains. Just thinking about going back there makes me feel like I'm going to throw up—never. I can't let that slime take me again. I was a fool to let it happen the first time. If he takes me back, Karone, I think I wouldn't make it out again...

I'm so afraid. I see him in everything—every time someone comes into the room I get flashes of Darkonda in my mind. What if he comes for me? That noise over there? That shadow under the door? What if it's him?

Karone? I've never been this afraid before. It feels like the fear is melting my insides and oozing out through my scars. I don't know what I'm going to do—I can't go on like this.

I have to get stronger, Karone. That's what I'll do. If Darkonda comes back for me I need to be able to put up a fight.

But I'm not sure I'll ever feel strong enough.

What do you think I should do?


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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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