Chapter 01: Powerless Ranger

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How can you tell someone you hope they die, when they have you in chains? How can you tell someone you hate them with the very essence of your soul, when you can't even speak?

The shackles around Andros's wrists clunked together as he pushed a soapy rag along the floor, trying to hold back a pained groan. His latest escape attempt had failed miserably, and it was all he could do to hope his wounds didn't get infected.

Months ago, the wretch-inducing nightmare that had become his day to day would have been something to fear... but, now? Now it was all he could do to clean his own blood off the floor of Darkonda's ship, and steal any food he could find. There was no room for fear, here. Fear got you killed.

"You missed a spot, red Ranger."

Andros grimaced as he turned to look up at his captor, who held his sword in one hand and his beloved whip in the other, the wicked smile on his face crueler than usual. Darkonda was in a good mood today, which was almost worse than when he was in a bad mood.

Andros slowly scooted away, not daring to stand up. He rubbed at the floor and looked up at Darkonda, searching his eyes for any sort of mercy.

As usual, he found none.

Darkonda yanked him to his feet by the chain around his neck, displaying a row of shark teeth as he smiled at Andros's obvious pain.

"Well, Ranger, looks like I'm gonna have to punish y-"

Smack! Darkonda took a kick to the ribs and dropped the red Ranger, who caught himself quickly. Darkonda threw Andros a glare that would have silenced the strongest of normal people, and gripped both weapons tightly.

"All these months, and you still fight me?" Darkonda mused, taking a step forward as Andros took a step back. "When will you get it through your head that you belong to me! Your little friends aren't coming for-"

An earsplitting screech like nails on a chalkboard cut through Darkonda's threat, the agonizing sound forcing Andros to the ground!

"What now?" Darkonda moaned, glaring at the human at his feet. "Ranger, don't tell me you can't handle a little noise?"

Andros covered his ears, trying to block out the horrible sound, like knives in his head! "AAAAHH!"

Darkonda kicked him in the ribs, sending him sprawling to the ground. "I'll deal with you later," Darkonda hissed through clenched teeth. "computer! What's that noise?!"

"A laser is trained on the side of the ship," said the monotone male voice Andros had grown accustomed to, the noise ceasing. "The ship has been boarded."

"WHAT?!" Darkonda demanded, forgetting Andros for a moment and screaming at the A.I. "By WHO?! It couldn't be those Rangers, they aren't nearly cunning enough to find me!"

A laser blast from behind him struck the computer's speakers. From behind them, a calm, teasing voice spoke up. "Aw, I bet you say that to all your enemies."

Darkonda spun around and was surprised to see a silver Ranger standing on the other end of the hall!

Andros's jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. He quickly tried to scramble to his feet, to run to his best friend, but Darkonda kicked him in the ribs again and grabbed the chain around his neck, holding him so close it was hard for Andros to breathe.

"Oh, no," said Darkonda mockingly, grinning wide. "you can't have this one. He's mine now."

From behind Darkonda came another voice, angrier. "You let our leader go or we get rough!"

The Silence is Deafening: a PRiS NovelWhere stories live. Discover now