Part 1 - Prologue

Start from the beginning

Argent grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him into the lockers. "Stiles, don't you get it! They're dead! And soon I'm going to be too." Stiles shook his head at the adult, his eyes full of tears.

"What do they want?" He sobbed out.

Argents face changed very dramatically. Then in a hushed tone. "You, they want you."

Stiles' eyes widened, making room for more tears to spill out.

"Wh- Why me?"

"Because you have something special. Something I can't let them have."

Argent pulled out a gun and aimed it at his head. Making Stiles' breath catch in his throat. His heart seemed to stop beating for a second.

"Stiles, I'm sorry."

Everything in Stiles tried to understand how someone he'd known for so long could just turn around and kill him, now not just his best friend but someone he used to admire. He squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for Argent to squeeze the trigger.

Argent suddenly cried out in pain, his body falling to the floor, spasming. Stiles looked down the hall to see a platinum blonde headed girl, with red eyes and a black cloak, staring at Argent with boredom.

Stiles didn't wait, he ran for the doors, then he heard the shot of the gun, it had been aimed for his head and missed by nearly 8 inches, hitting his shoulder instead. Stiles gasped in pain as he pushed through the doors.

Looking back only once to see that the girl with red eyes was just staring at him as he ran. Not following or giving chase one bit.

Argent had just tried to kill him to prevent these people from taking him, when had the world gotten so screwed up?

Stiles felt a sudden pain in his chest and shoulder, making his eyes burst open, his body trying to sit upright, but was restrained.

He didn't know where he was, and he couldn't see anything. The initial shock from the blinding white light above him making his eyes feel like he was near a flash bomb. He couldn't see anything but white for a minute. But slowly it faded, and he began to hear the bodies that were rushing around him.

He wasn't able to hear anything but an insistent ringing but that was also going away. Then he heard his name being called.

"Stiles!" Stiles turned to his right to see what looked like his uncle Charlie.

"Un-" He tried to speak but his lungs just wouldn't have it as he began coughing again.

Then he heard other voices. "Two broken ribs, fractured wrist, gunshot wound in his shoulder, claw marks on his left leg, head trauma, possible concussion, stab wound in the chest, aconite poisoning. At the moment that's all we can see."

His uncle began yelling at the woman. "Oh is that all?!"

"Sir, your job is to keep him awake!"

"Stiles, come on bud can you hear me?" Stiles felt like 300 pounds was sitting on his chest, making it nigh impossible to breathe. But he nodded to his uncle.

"That's good, we just have ten more minutes. Then we'll be at the hospital. We have one of the best doctors in the state. You just have to stay awake for ten more minutes!"

The woman was yelling into the phone. "Someone get Dr. Cullen to the emergency room, tell him we have a code red!"

Stiles saw black spots in his vision and felt like passing out again. But he kept his eyes open. He knew bad things happened to people who closed their eyes in an ambulance, he didn't want to be one of those casualties.

His body was numb, he couldn't feel his torso, and he wished he couldn't feel his legs.

Minutes passed that felt like hours to him, every agonizing second only made the pain worse. Before he knew it the lights around him were changing, and he was moving. His uncle was gone.

A mask came over his face and a sweet smell filled his nostrils. Luring him to sleep, even through the pain, he found it wasn't that hard.

Author's Note - 

So this idea literally came to me an hour ago while I was watching Twilight, this will be Stiles X OC. 

I have not written many of these so lets hope this turns out ok. Please leave comments on what you think will happen, I will update this one more time before the 25th.

But first I have a question, should I make this Stiles X Vampire or Stiles X Werewolf?

At the moment I'm leaning towards werewolf but I want to know what you guys think.





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