4.7: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

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We all grabbed a makeshift weapon and went to find Steve. He was being held down by some sort of bat-like creature and he was struggling to breath as one pinned him down by the neck and two others were feasting on his flesh as he tried desperately to get them off. Nancy swung the oar that she had to hit one of them off. 

"Hey there." She said with a huff as we prepared to fight these demobats. 

"Quick! Hold it, Robin!" Nancy said as Robin stepped on the one around Steve's neck. 

"I got it." She said as they tried to hit it to get it off of Steve.

"Get it! Kill it! Kill it!" Eddie cheered them on. There was a sound coming from above and we saw that there were more of them coming. 

"Shit!" Eddie said as Nancy and Robin continued to help Steve. I adjusted grip on the oar and prepared to hold them off. Eddie hit one with his oar and I swung at another one making contact. 

"Yeah! Come on!" Eddie screamed ready to fight more of them. 

"Nancy, behind you! Watch out!" Eddie yelled as one attacked Nancy from behind. Robin helped her as we continued to fight them off. Swinging at them one by one and connecting. 

"God damn it! Shit!" Eddie said as his oar splintered and broke. 

"Eddie! Duck!" I screamed and he did so as I swung and hit one that was about to attack him. Nancy and Robin continued to struggle as Nancy got attacked. Steve finally got the one off of his neck and held it in place by it's tail and swung it to hit it against the ground. 

"Come on, come on, come on, you son of a bitch! I said come on! Let's go!" Eddie yelled as he stabbed one that was coming right at him. "Frankie, three o'clock." He then warned me and I swung the oar and hit it away from us. Steve then continually hit the one he was holding against the ground and pinned it there with his foot as he ripped it apart. He then spit out some blood and breathed heavily. I had to say it was very effective. 

"Steve!" Nancy said worried about him. 

"Jesus Christ. Jesus H. Christ!" Eddie yelled discarding his broken oar. 

"Shit, are you ok, Harrington?" I asked noticing his torso was torn to shit.

"Well, they took about a pound of flesh. But other than that, yeah, never better." Steve joked and I chuckled. Of course he would make a joke at this time. 

"Nice to know that you can always joke in life threatening situations." I shrugged and he nodded exhaustedly. "Are you ok?" I asked Eddie concerned with how he was handling this. 

"Ask me when we get out of here." He said looking at his surroundings and I nodded agreeing with him. 

"Uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?" Robin asked freaking out. 

"What?" Steve asked confused.

"It's just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear. And I think we should get you to a doctor soon because once symptoms set in, it's too late. You're already dead." Robin said worried about the possibility of rabies. We then heard more of them approaching and got ready to fight again. 

"All right. There's not that many. We can take 'em. Right?" Steve asked not completely confident in our abilities. 

"You were saying?" Robin said as more approached. 

"The woods. Come on." Nancy said as she started running towards the woods and we all followed. 

"Great. More running." Robin said sarcastically. We made it to Skull Rock and hid underneath it to avoid being spotted by the demo-bats. 

"Oh... okay. That was close." Robin said exiting our hiding place. 

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