4.5: The Nina Project

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January 1986...

It had been a few months since Eddie and I first hooked up. We've been seeing each other consistently for those few months and I was really happy. I was eating dinner with my dad and Mary happily moving the food around with my fork as I thought about Eddie. 

"What's got you so happy?" dad asked looking at the smile on my face.

"Nothing. I can't just be happy?" I asked defensively.

"It's a boy isn't it?" Mary asked with a smirk on her face. 

"Oh God, please tell me it's not a boy." My dad said putting his fork down and rubbing his face nervously.

"It's not a boy." I denied not wanting to tell him about this. 

"Sure it's not." Mary said as she winked and I rolled my eyes. 

"It's not. I swear." I promised though I was lying. 

"So, you and Steve finally got together?" Mary asked and I scoffed.

"Steve is my friend. That's it. How many times do I have to tell people?" I asked still frustrated that everyone thought we were dating. 

"That's great. I just think you two would make a cute couple." Mary suggested and I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm finished. I'm gonna go do homework." I said frustrated with this conversation.

"Are you sure? You barely ate anything." Dad said concerned, I just nodded as I placed my plate in the sink and I headed back to my room. I looked out my window and saw that Eddie was there in his van. I opened my window and he gestured for me to come with him. I thought about it and decided to go. I exited my window and headed to his passenger's side door. 

"Hey there, pretty lady. Hop in." He said and I opened the door and hopped into the seat. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"I wanted to see you." He admitted and I smiled. 

"What do you want to do?" I asked as he drove down the road. 

"We could rent a movie and go back to my place." He suggested. 

"That sounds good to me. It's your pick this time, right?" I asked and he nodded. 

"Anything off limits?" He asked looking over at me. 

"Nothing sappy." I said not wanting to watch anything romantic.

"A girl that doesn't like sappy movies, you surprise me everyday." He said surprised and I chuckled. 

"Shut up. Nobody likes those movies." I said rolling my eyes. 

"I like them every once in a while." He admitted and my eyes widen in shock.

"You, metal head, drug dealer, Eddie Munson, like romcoms?" I asked still in shock.

"Don't act so surprised." He chuckled at my reaction. 

"No this is really interesting. You're a softy." I said nudging him as he drove to the video store. 

"No I am not." He denied.

"You take kids with no friends who get bullied and give them a group where they feel comfortable, but no, you're not a softy." I joked and he scoffed.

"I was just in their shoes once and there was nobody there for me, so I wanted to be there for them." He shrugged. 

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." I promised and he smirked. 

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