3.7: The Bite

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The alarm was still blaring as Dustin and Erica loaded Steve, Robin, and I into the back of the little car the Russians used to transport cargo. Steve, Robin, and I were undoubtedly still very high on the truth serum stuff that the evil doctor gave us. 

"Jesus, slow down!" Steve ordered Dustin because he was driving like a maniac.

"Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" Robin asked rhetorically.

"It's the Indy 300." Steve corrected her and I was laughing at their argument.

"No, dingus, it's 500!" Robin countered.

"It's 300!" Steve yelled back as I continued to laugh.

"Let's say a million." I added and they stopped and we all laughed.

"What is wrong with them?" Erica asked Dustin.

"I don't know." Dustin answered still trying to get us out of here.

"If you're asking me, Steve is still in love with Nancy, Robin is super sarcastic in order to mask her feelings, and I am going to die alone because my love life, so far has consisted of unrequited love and a douchebag who got lucky that I let him in my pants in the first place." I answered and everyone looked at me, but I couldn't remember what I said. "What, did I say something?" I asked, but was cut off by Erica.

"Dustin, watch out!" She screamed not wanting to hit anything.

"Shit!" Dustin said as he crashed into something and Robin and Steve hit their heads on the metal grate while I crashed into Steve, but he caught me. 

"Thanks, Stevie." I said as I booped his nose and he laughed.

"You guys all right back there?" Dustin asked concerned. We all groaned. Dustin and Erica then opened the door for us.

"Come on. We gotta go, now." Dustin ordered us out of the back of the vehicle.

"Come on! Get out!" Erica said with urgency in her voice.

"Woah, someone is bossy." I said laughing and Steve and Robin both chuckled. They continued to bark orders and eventually pulled us out of the vehicle.

"We're coming!" Steve said trying to regain his balance. We got back into the elevator and were going to the surface. Steve immediately hopped on a dolly and began balancing. Robin then took the handle and began moving him around.

"Hey! You look like you're surfing!" Robin yelled and Steve agreed.

"Surfing! Yeah!" I yelled. "I want to surf." I complained.

"I'm a natural! Check it out!" Steve yelled, but then fell on his face. I immediately crumbled to the ground laughing hysterically.

"Wipeout!" Robin yelled and I continued crying out in laughter.

"He's burning up." Dustin said.

"Yeah, so is she." Erica said touching my forehead.

"You're burning up." I countered.

"One sec, one sec. Steve, Steve." Dustin said trying to examine him. "His pupils are super dilated." Dustin said.

"Maybe he's drugged." Erica suggested.

"Steve, are you drugged?" Dustin asked the older male.

"How many times, Dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana." Steve said booping Dustin's nose. I laughed at the interaction.

"This isn't funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?" Dustin asked concerned.

"We all die, my strange little child friend. It's just a matter of how... and when." Robin added and I nodded.

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