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Namjoon slides the door open to a classroom.

He sees Jimin sitting at his desk that's pretty far from the doors, keeping his nose into the notebook that he's writing in. Jeongguk's there too, having his head down on Jimin's desk and sleeping, his desk being in front of Jimin's. Namjoon walks into the classroom and slides the door closed, walking over to Jimin's desk.

Jimin stops writing, fluttering his eyes a bit. He felt someone's presence near him, except for Jeongguk's. He dearly hoped it wasn't Tae. A phone was softly placed down on Jimin's desk. Jimin looks at the phone, curling his brows. He looks up and sees Namjoon standing there. He blinks a lot, hoping he's seeing it right.

"I found your phone." Namjoon softly says. "I was able to charge it, so it's at a hundred percent."

Jimin puts his pencil down and reaches for his phone, turning it on to see the percentage. "Thank you..." He nervously says, looking back up at him.

Namjoon smiles small. "I was wondering if you want to have lunch together."


He nods. "Of course. I'll be on the benches where the gym class is."

The teacher walks in, seeing Namjoon in the classroom. She sighs, putting her folder down. "Mister Kim, out of the class please. Go back to yours."

Namjoon looks at her, bowing. "Yes ma'am." He taps on Jimin's shoulder to get his attention again. "If you show up, I'll know that it's a yes." He whispers to him, winking before walking away and leaving the classroom.

Jimin nervously fixes his mask, gulping hard. He looks at Jeongguk, nudging him to wake up. Jeongguk snorts and quickly lifts his head up from slumber, squinting like he went blind. Jimin couldn't help to smile big from Namjoon and because of Jeongguk's cuteness. Jimin lifts his hands up and wipes the drool that his friend developed and fixing his hair for him.

He pinches Jeongguk's cheek and tells him that the teacher is back and having news about getting his phone back. Jeongguk just fixes himself up and faces the teacher, making sure nothing's messed up. He was also proud that Jimin had his phone back and that he made another friend from another classroom.


Namjoon waited. He fiddles with his milk carton in his hand, hoping Jimin actually shows up. He's currently sitting on the bench, having his own lunchbox to the side while he waits, watching the gym class play with no problem of Namjoon being there.

Jimin wanted to show up, but...he can't eat in front of him. He'll see his scars... He's currently looking outside of the building and seeing Namjoon patiently waiting for him. Jimin grips his backpack strap, gulping hard from feeling really nervous. C'mon got this. Don't be afraid...Tae isn't here to brother you...

Jimin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, exhaling long and opening his eyes back open. He pushes the door open and starts walking towards him. Namjoon bites the inside of his cheek, staring at his phone. He stared at the time going by, just hoping he shows up—


Namjoon looks up, immediately flashing a smile. "You showed up."

Jimin lowers his head down, walking up to him and sitting down beside him, taking off his backpack. "I...I wasn't so sure if I should show up."

"It's understandable."

Jimin flutters his eyes a lot. Namjoon's confusing him lately. "Why are you being so...nice to me...? Is-Is it because of what happened two days ago?"

Namjoon curls his brows. "No no, of course not. I'm not like that. You just seem...really sweet to me."

Jimin curls his brows too. ""

"Yeah. Really." Namjoon reaches over and grabs his lunchbox. "Let's eat."

Jimin lowers his eyes down to his lap, unzipping his backpack to get his own lunchbox out. He bites the inside of his cheek, opening his lunchbox. He glances at the student, brows staying curled up. Namjoon wasn't looking at him, eating out of his lunchbox while looking forward. Jimin nervously lifts up his hand to the tip of his mask, nervously pulling it down and picking up a rice ball.

Namjoon side eyes Jimin. He sees the scars...and the main one that Jimin has under his eye. Namjoon flutters his eyes back down to his lunch, nervously grabbing a piece of mochi since he got a glance at Jimin's lunch. He didn't have a lot in his lunchbox... Namjoon extends his arm out, having a small piece of mochi in hand.

Jimin looks at his hand, then glances at him. "It's strawberry flavored." Namjoon softly says, smiling at him. "My Hyung made it for me for today." Jimin widen his eyes and faces away, covering the side of his face with his hand once he realized. Namjoon tilts his head, avoiding the scars. "Aren't you going to take it?"

"N...No thank you." Jimin mutters up, still covering the side of his face.

"Is strawberry not your favorite?"

" is..."

"Then take it." Namjoon chuckles. "I don't poison my own lunch, that'll be ridiculous."

Jimin looks at him again, curling his brows. He slowly uncovers his face and nervously reaches over to softly grab the mochi, taking a bite from it. Once he bites down and chews it a bit, he flutters his eyes a bunch, looking at the small bite he made.


Namjoon chuckles. "You like it?" Jimin nods a lot, curling up a small smile while he takes another bite. "Duely noted then. I'll remember to get more for you. I'll even beg my Hyung to make more."

Jimin quickly finishes it, wiping his mouth from how good it was. Namjoon smiles happily, glad that he didn't hide his smile...even though he's just hiding the scars. Jimin's phone buzzes, making him wipe his hands off from the napkin he had and grab his phone from his pocket:

Kook :
Where are you? You're not in the bathroom or at your desk

Chim :
I'm eating lunch with someone

Kook :
Really? Can I join you guys?

Jimin flutters his eyes and looks at him. "Um...Namjoon?"

"Yeah?" Namjoon looks at him.

Jimin froze up, quickly looking away. "M-My friend wants to join... Is that okay?"

Namjoon smiles. "Of course they can join us. Was it the one who was sleeping on your desk?"

Jimin nods. "It is."


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